१९८९ की क्रांतियाँ |
शीत युद्ध का एक भाग |
File:Thefalloftheberlinwall1989.JPG |
नवम्बर १९८९ में बर्लिन की दीवार का गिरना |
तिथी | 4 जून 1989 – 26 दिसम्बर 1991 (2 साल, 6 माह, 3 सप्ताह और 1 दिन) |
जगह | मध्य एवं पूर्वी यूरोप और एशिया |
कारण | *राजनीतिक दमन |
लक्ष्य | *आर्थिक सुधार, जैसे राज्य के स्वामित्व वाले उद्योगों का निजीकरण |
विधि | |
परिणाम | - महाशक्ति के रूप में सोवियत संघ का अन्त हो गया ; सोवियत संघ का विघटन; शीत युद्ध की समाप्ति
- वारसा संधि और पूर्वी गुट का विघटन
- Formation of the Russian Federation and the independence of 15 states from the former Soviet Union
- Transfer of power to multi-party governments in Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Mongolia and Albania
- Transition from a state-run economic model to a private one in the former Eastern Bloc countries: dismantling of the command economies and privatization of state-owned industry
- Many Communists recast themselves into adherents of social democracy and democratic socialism
- Reunification of Germany
- Unification of Yemen
- Breakup of Czechoslovakia
- Breakup of Yugoslavia and beginning of the Yugoslav Wars
- Skepticism about Communism all over the world associated with decreasing support for various Communist and left-wing parties, especially in Europe and Asia: collapse of Communism in Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Congo-Brazzaville, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Somalia and Yemen
- The spread of Western culture and capitalism to previously sealed-off Communist countries, including Russia and Eastern Europe
- Expansion of the Internet in former Communist countries
- सोवियत-अफगान युद्ध का अन्त
- Emigration of the Soviet, Eastern Bloc Jews to Israel
- Suppression of the Chinese democracy movement
- क्यूबा में विशेष काल का आरम्भ
- नयी विश्व व्यवस्था का उदय क्योंकि संयुक्त राज्य एकमात्र महाशक्ति बचा रहा।
नागरिक संघर्ष के पक्षकार |
पूर्वी गुट के देशों के नागरिक
{{{टिप्पणी}}}notes |
सन १९८९ की क्रांतियों के कारण १९८० के दशक के अन्त से १९९० के दशक के आरम्भ तक एक क्रान्ति की लहर पैदा हुई जिसने मध्य एवं पूर्वी यूरोप में साम्यवाद को धराशायी कर दिया। इस काल को प्रायः "साम्यवाद का पतन" कहा जाता है।[3]
- ↑ Kochanowicz, Jacek (2006). Berend, Ivan T. (संपा॰). Backwardness and Modernization: Poland and Eastern Europe in the 16th-20th Centuries. Collected studies: Studies in East-Central Europe. 858li. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. पृ॰ 198. आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰ 9780754659051.
Within the communist world, certain strata of population were particularly sensitive to Western influences. Late communism produced sizable, specific middle classes of relatively well-educated professionals, technicians and even highly skilled blue-collar workers. [...] These classes had no attachment whatsoever to Marxist-Leninist ideology, while they became attracted to the Western way of life. Many members of the ruling 'nomenklatura' shared the same sentiments, as Western consumerism and individualism seemed more attractive to them than communist collective Puritanism. There were two very important consequences of this, one economic, and the second political. The economic one was the attractiveness of consumerism [...]. The political consequence was the pressure to increase the margins of political freedom and public space.
- ↑ Cross, Gary S. (2000). "1: The Irony of the Century". An All-consuming Century: Why Commercialism Won in Modern America. New York: Columbia University Press. पृ॰ 8. आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰ 9780231113120.
For East Europeans, the promise of mass consumption was preferable to the nightmare of solidarity even if it meant also the dominance of money and the private control of wealth. In reality, the fall of communism had more to do with the appeals of capitalist consumerism than political democracy.
- ↑ Gehler, Michael; Kosicki, Piotr H.; Wohnout, Helmut (2019). Christian Democracy and the Fall of Communism. Leuven University Press. आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰ 9789462702165.