हिंदी परिषद, नीदरलैंड्स
हिंदी परिषद, नीदरलैंड्स (HPN) नीदरलैण्ड में हिन्दी के प्रयोग को बढ़ावा देने के उद्देश्य से स्थापित एक संस्था है। इसकी स्थापना १९ सितम्बर सन् १९८३ में की गयी थी।
संस्था का उद्देश्य नीदरलैण्ड्स में हिन्दी का प्रचार एवं प्रसार करना है ताकि सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, कला एवं साहित्य के क्षेत्र में हिन्दी का उपयोग बढ़े। इसके लिये संस्था निम्नलिखित कार्य करती है-
- Introduction of Hindi through the OALT (Onderwijs in Allochtone Levende Talen - Teaching in the modern language of the foreigner) procedure in the Dutch educational system.
- Conduct countrywide uniform Hindi examinations in the level of Prathmiek, Prarambhiek and Prewesh.
Examination of higher level (Parichay, Kovid, Ratna, Acharya)is conducted in cooperation with the educational institution in Wardha, India.
- Issue countrywide uniform recognised diplomas.
- Maintain contact with the Dutch government (educational authorities) regarding the OALT procedure and emphasize the importance of Hindi education in the Dutch schools.
- Assisting the (local) authorities in developing new educational tools for the primary and secondary schools.
- The organisation of the national Hindi information day (annual Hindi Divas) with the main objective of informing the rank and file about the latest development of Hindi.
- Publishing a Hindi magazine.