सामग्री पर जाएँ


Samsung Group
मूल नाम
삼성 (三星)
कंपनी प्रकारPrivate
स्थापित1 मार्च 1938; 86 वर्ष पूर्व (1938-03-01) in Daegu, Japanese Korea
स्थापकLee Byung-chul
मुख्यालय40th floor Samsung Electronics Building, 11, Seocho-daero 74-gil
सेवा क्षेत्र
प्रमुख लोग
Lee Jae-yong
उत्पादApparel, automotive, chemicals, consumer electronics, electronic components, medical equipment, semiconductors, solid state drives, DRAM, flash memory, ships, telecommunications equipment, home appliances[1]
सेवाएँAdvertising, निर्माण, entertainment, वित्तीय सेवाएँ, hospitality, information and communications technology, medical and health care services, retail, shipbuilding, semiconductor foundry
सहायकSamsung Electronics
Samsung Engineering
Samsung C&T Corporation
Samsung Heavy Industries
Samsung SDS
Samsung Life Insurance
Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance
Cheil Worldwide
  1. "Home and Kitchen Appliance showcase". Samsung. मूल से 9 March 2017 को पुरालेखित.