सामग्री पर जाएँ

सामग्री प्रबन्धन प्रणालियों की सूची

यहाँ पर उल्लेखनीय सामग्री प्रबन्धन प्राणालियों की सूची दी गयी है।

सास (Software as a Service या SaaS)

This section lists commercial software that includes software, hosting, and support with a single vendor.
Name Platform Licensed Version Available

Proprietary Licensed Software

This section lists commercial software to be installed and managed on your supplied web server.

डॉट् नेट् (.NET)

Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release
EPiServer.NET SQL Server, Oracle, SQL Express 5.2
Immediacy.NET SQL Server6.0
Ingeniux Content Management System (CMS).NET XML6.0
Jadu.NET SQL Server1.8
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (Services) .NET SQL Server (2000 or 2005), SQL Express
Sitecore.NETSQL Server SQL Express, Oracle, My SQL, SQLite6 (released in 2008)

एएसपी डॉट् नेट् (ASP.NET)

Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
AxCMS.netASP.NETSQL Server SQL Express 8.5 (released in 2009)
Community ServerASP.NETSQL Server2008
Kentico CMSASP.NETSQL Server6.0 10-10-2011
Sitefinity CMSASP.NETOracle, SQL Server, MySQL3.6


Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release
Blue Light CMSJavaOracle, MySQL1.1
Cascade ServerJavaOracle, MySQL, SQL Server5.7
CoreMedia CMSJava Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL2008
Day Communiqué WCMJava no database required
uses JSR-170-compliant content repository
FatWire Content Server Java Oracle, SQL Server, DB27.0.3
Jalios JCMSJavaBuilt-in: Apache Derby, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL6.0.1
NoodleJava Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL6.6.4
TerminalFour Site Manager Java, J2EEOracle, MySQL, SQL Server6.0
Traction TeamPageJavaBuilt-in 4.1
VignetteJ2EE Oracle, SQL Server, DB2....etc 7.5

जावा बन्डल

Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release
Lotus Web Content ManagementJ2EE or Lotus DominoOracle, SQL Server, DB2, Lotus Domino6.1
Refresh Software - SR2 (Component Content Management) Java, J2EE, XMLOracle, SQL Serverv7.2

पीएचपी (PHP)

Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release
Accrisoft FreedomPHPMySQL6.0
Brunner CMSPHPMySQL4.0.1.111
Site FoundryPHPMySQL2.3

नि:शुल्क एवं मुक्तस्रोत सॉफ्टवेयर


Name Platform RDBMSORM-DBMSOther Database Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
HSQLPostgreSQL2.0 GPL2008-12-09
OpenCmsJavaHSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2PostgreSQL7.0.5 LGPL2008-07-02
LiferayJavaHSQLDB, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Apache Derby, DB2, Informix, InterBase, JDataStorePostgreSQLSAP[], Sybase[]5.2 MIT2009-02-03
FedoraJavaMySQL, OraclePostgreSQLMulgara (MPTSTore RDF Semantic Triplestore) 3.1 Apache License
dotCMSJavaMySQL, Oracle, MSSQLPostgreSQL1.7RC3 GNU GPL v2 2009-03-03
Nuxeo EPJavaMySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, IngresPostgreSQL5.1.6 LGPL2008-10-08
AlfrescoJavaMySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, InformixPostgreSQL2.2 GPL & Commercial 2008-10-01
MagnoliaJavaJCR4.0.1 GPL & Commercial 2009-03-10
HippoJavaJCR7.0.1 Apache License2009-01-26

जावा पैकेज/ बन्डल

Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
Apache LenyaJava, XML, Apache Cocoon2.0 Apache License
DaisyJava, XML, Apache CocoonMySQL2.1 Apache License2008-03-09


Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
blosxomPerlFlat-file database2.0 MIT
BricolagePerlPostgreSQL1.10.3 BSD2008-04-28
Movable TypePerl, mod perl, FastCGIMySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite4.23 GPL2008-12-03
TWikiPerlPlain files (under version control) 4.2.0 GPL2008-09-12
ScoopPerl on mod perlMySQL1.1.8 GPL
SlashPerl on mod perlMySQLGPL
WebGUIPerl on mod perlMySQLGPL


Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
AdaptCMS LitePHPMySQL1.4 GPL2009-01-13
CivicSpacePHPMySQL0.8.3 Open source, detail unknown
DrupalPHPMySQL,PostgreSQL6.10 GPL2009-02-25
eFrontPHPMySQL3.5.2 CPAL2008-09-05
Exponent CMSPHPMySQL0.96.6 GA GPL2007-10-03
ExpressionEnginePHPMySQL1.6 GPL2007-10-03
ImpressCMSPHPMySQL1.1.2 GPL2009-03-09
JawsPHPPostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Firebird, InterBase, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite0.8.9 LGPL, GPL2009-01-30
JoomlaPHPMySQL1.5.10 GPL2009-03-28
KnowledgeTree Document Management SystemPHPMySQL3.5 GPL & Commercial
LyceumPHPMySQL1.0.2 GPL2008-06-04
MamboPHPMySQL4.6.5 GPL2008-06-01
MiaCMSPHPMySQL4.6.5 GPL2008-09-11
MODxPHPMySQL0.9.6.3 GPL2008-12-23
MySource Matrix (Squiz) PHPPostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle3.20.1 GPL or warranted version from Squiz
Nucleus CMSPHPMySQL3.40 GPL2009-02-15
OneCMSPHPMySQL2.5 GPL2008-01-15
OpusPHPMySQL2.27 GPL2008-07-06
PHP-FusionPHPMySQL7.00.05 AGPL2009-01-13
PHPSlashPHP0.8.1.1 GPL
SilverStripePHPMySQL2.3.1 BSD2009-03-19
SPIPPHPMySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite2.0.3 GPL2009-01-10
TangoCMSPHPMySQL2.2.4 GNU/GPL 22009-02-18
TextpatternPHPMySQL4.0.7 GPL2008-11-28
TikiWiki CMS/Groupware PHPMySQL and others using ADOdb2.3 LGPL2009-03-18
Tribiq CMS PHPMySQL5.0.9 GPL2008-10-01
TYPO3PHPMySQL4.2.6 GPL2009-02-10
whCMSPHPMySQL0.103 GPL2008-08-10
WordPressPHPMySQL4.1.1 GPL2015-02-18
Midgard CMSPHP (Midgard framework) MySQL1.8.4 LGPL2008-11-03
Frog CMSPHP5MySQL or SQLite0.9.2 AGPL2008-09-29
MediaWikiPHPMySQL, PostgreSQL1.12 GPL2008-10-02
MerlintalkPHPMySQL, PostgreSQL1.00 GPL
phpWebSitePHPMySQL or PostgreSQL1.6.1 LGPL
HabariPHPMySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite0.5.2 Apache License2008-09-19
eZ PublishPHPMySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server4.0.1 GPL2008-08-20
XarayaPHPMySQL / PostgreSQL etc. 1.1.5 GPL2008-11-25
Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
CMSimplePHPFlat-file database3.2 Affero2008-06-20
DokuwikiPHPFlat-file database2009-02-14 GPL2009-02-14
phpCMSPHPFlat-file database1.2.2 GPL2006-01-19
PmWikiPHPFlat-file database2.2.0 GPL2009-01-18
razorCMSPHPFlat-file database0.2 RC GPL
Quick.Cms.LitePHPFlat-file database2.0 Creative Commons Attribution 2.52008-05-13
phpWikiPHPFlat-file database / MySQL / PostgreSQL etc. GPL2007-07-14

पाइथन (Python)

Bricolage Parl PotgieSQL 1.10.3 BSD 2008-04-28
DjangoPythonPostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite 3 and Oracle1.0.2 BSD2008-11-19
MoinMoinPythonFlat-file database1.6.2 GPL2008-11-20
Nuxeo CPSPythonZODB3.4.3 GPL
PlonePythonMySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, ZODB, via Zope3.1.7 GPL2008-11-14
PyLucidPythonMySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite0.8.0 GPL2008-02-14

रूबी ऑन रेल्स (Ruby on Rails)

Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
RadiantRuby on RailsMySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite0.7.1 MIT2009-02-15
TypoRuby on RailsMySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite5.2 MIT2009-01-25


Name Platform Supported databases Latest stable release Licenses Latest release date
DotNetNukeASP.NETSQL Server4.9.2/5.0.0 BSD2008-12-24
XarayaPHP with XHTML/XML/XSLTMySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite (ADOdb) and SQL Server (Creole) 1.1.3 GPL2008-01-03
XOOPSPHP + SmartyMySQL2.3.2b GPL2008-09-22
SerendipityPHP + SmartyMySQL, PostgreSQL,MySQLi, SQLite1.3 BSD2008-03-18
ZikulaPHP + SmartyMySQL, Oracle PostGres, SQL Server1.0.2 LGPL2008-08-10
OpenACSTCL AOLserverPostgreSQL/Oracle5.1.5 GPL2008-03-22

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  • CMS.txt - A free, open-source, 6kb content management system which allows you to easily manage web pages.