सागर, इरिट्रिया

The Erythraean Sea (Greek: Ερυθρά Θάλασσα; Erythra Thalassa) प्राचीन में पाया नामों में से एक है [मानचित्रकारी []]. यह नाम लाल रंग के मौसमी खिलता से प्राप्त हो सकता हैTrichodesmium erythraeum near the water's surface, as the Greek "Ερυθρά" actually means "red".[1]
Use of the name

The name 'Erythraean Sea' has been or is still used for the following places:
- As a name for the Red Sea, .[2]
- In the opening sentences of Herodotus's history he refers to the Phoenicians having come originally from the Erythraean Sea.
- The name "Erythraean Sea" was used as well to refer to some gulfs attached to the Indian Ocean, specifically, the Persian Gulf[3]
- Nowadays the name is applied to a large dusky region on the surface of planet Mars, known as Mare Erythraeum.