सभ्यताओं का संघर्ष
सभ्यताओं का संघर्ष या "क्लैश ऑफ सिविलाइजेशन्स" राजनीति-विज्ञानी सैमुएल हंटिंगटन (Samuel P. Huntington) द्वारा प्रतिपादित एक सिद्धान्त है जिसका सार यह है कि शीत-युद्धोत्तर संसार में लोगों की सांस्कृतिक एवं धार्मिक पहचान ही संघर्षों का मुख्य कारण होगी।

- ↑ "The World of Civilization". मूल से 2007-03-12 को पुरालेखित.
बाहरी कड़ियाँ
- सभ्यताओं का संघर्ष और हंटिंगटन[मृत कड़ियाँ] (अमर उजाला)
- सभ्यताओं के संघर्ष’ की अवधारणा पर क्या विराम लगा सकेंगे ओबामा
- "The Clash of Civilizations?" -- Full text of the original essay from Foreign Affairs 1993
- "The Clash of Civilizations?" -- text of the original essay from the Foreign Affairs Web site. The site offers a 500-word preview only. Visitors may purchase a .pdf reprint of the entire 9,176-word piece.
- "If Not Civilizations, What? Samuel Huntington Responds to His Critics", Foreign Affairs, November/December 1993 (full text)
- Clash of Civilizations and information on other civilizations, Discussion and news surrounding the clash and concepts such as dialog, equality, acceptance etc between civilizations.
- The Slow suicide of the West by Jorge Majfud
- Sam Huntington discusses the "clash" with Jenny Attiyeh on Thoughtcast
- "The 'Clash of Civilizations': Revisited after September 11", a critical article on Huntington's thesis
- "Five Years After 9/11, The Clash of Civilizations Revisited", an interview of Huntington by Mark O'Keefe, Associate Director, Editorial, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life August 18, 2006.
- "The global clash of emotions", International Herald Tribune," Dominique Moïsi, December 14, 2006.
- "The Clash of Civilizations Revisited", New Perspectives Quarterly," Winter 2007. An interview of Huntington by Amina R. Chaudary of Islamica Magazine.
- "The Clash of Civilizations?", Interview with Samuel Huntington, The Guardian, October 21, 2001.
- "The True Clash of Civilizations", by Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris, Foreign Policy 2003. This article discusses recent surveys of opinions in predominantly Islamic nations and claims that the real rift between civilizations does not concern the question of democracy (which is generally approved) but rather the attitudes towards sexuality and gender equality. Those societies that do not tolerate self-expression, it argues, are unlikely to become stable democracies.
- Islam and Europe: clash and mash Khaled Diab and Katleen Maes examine the myths driving anti-Islamic fervour in the EU and argue that, although the two civilizations have occasionally clashed, they have more often simply mashed. Published in the European Voice, 31 March-6 अप्रैल 2005
- Clash of Ignorance Edward Said's critical review of the "Clash of Civilizations"
- The Aga Khan on the Clash of Ignorance An acceptance speech made by the Aga Khan at the "Tolerance Awards".
- Beyond the Clash of Ignorance An article published by the Rome-based online magazine Reset Dialogues on Civilizations
- Online Interview: One Global Family or the Clash of Civilizations?
- The Myth of Culture Clash, a lecture by Edward Said
- Clash of Civilizations - an electronic music project
- Wars of Civilizations - or just Civilizational Decay?
- Judaism, Christianity and Islam - A Clash of Civilizations? - a point by point comparison