सामग्री पर जाएँ

विद्युत और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक अभियांत्रिकी की समयरेखा

नीचे विद्युत तथा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक अभियांत्रिकी के इतिहास में हुए अनुसंधानों की सूची नीचे दी गयी है।[1][2]

खोजों के इतिहास की समयरेखा

वर्ष घटना
1600English scientist William Gilbert coined the word electricus after careful experiments.
1705English scientist Francis Hauksbee made a glass ball that glowed when spun and rubbed with the hand
1720English scientist Stephen Gray discovered insulators and conductors
1745German physicist Ewald Georg von Kleist and Dutch scientist Pieter van Musschenbroek invented Leyden jars
1752American scientist Benjamin Franklin showed that lightning was electrical by flying a kite, and explained how Leyden jars work
1780Italian scientist Luigi Galvani discovered the Galvanic action in living tissue
1783French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb formulated Coulomb's law
1785French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace developed the Laplace transform to transform a linear differential equation to an algebraic equation. Later, his transform became a tool in circuit analysis.
1800Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invented the battery
1816English inventor Francis Ronalds built the first working electric telegraph
1820Danish physicist Hans Christian Ørsted accidentally discovered that an electric field creates a magnetic field
1820One week after Ørsted's discovery, French physicist André-Marie Ampère published his law. He also proposed right-hand screw rule
1821German scientist Thomas Johann Seebeck discovered thermoelectricity
1825English physicist William Sturgeon developed the first electromagnet
1827German physicist Georg Ohm introduced the concept of electrical resistance
1831English physicist Michael Faraday published the law of induction (Joseph Henry developed the same law independently)
1831American scientist Joseph Henry in United States developed a prototype DC motor
1832French instrument maker Hippolyte Pixii in France developed a prototype DC generator
1833Michael Faraday developed laws of electrolysis
1833Michael Faraday invented thermistor
1833English Samuel Hunter Christie invented Wheatstone bridge (It is named after Charles Wheatstone who popularized it)
1836Irish priest (and later scientist) Nicholas Callan invented transformer in Ireland
1837English scientist Edward Davy invented the electric relay
1839French scientist Edmond Becquerel discovered the Photovoltaic Effect
1844American inventor Samuel Morse developed telegraphy and the Morse code
1845German physicist Gustav Kirchhoff developed two laws now known as Kirchoff's Circuit laws
1850Belgian engineer Floris Nollet invented (and patented) a practical AC generator
1855First utilization of AC (in electrotherapy) by French neurologist Guillaume Duchenne
1856Belgian engineer Charles Bourseul proposed telephony
1856First electrically powered light house in England
1860German scientist Johann Philipp Reis invented Microphone
1862Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell published four equations bearing his name
1866Transatlantic telegraph cable
1873Belgian engineer Zenobe Gramme who developed DC generator accidentally discovered that a DC generator also works as a DC motor during an exhibit in Vienna.
1876Russian engineer Pavel Yablochkov invented electric carbon arc lamp
1876Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone
1877First street lighting in Paris, France
1877American inventor Thomas Alva Edison invented phonograph
1877German industrialist Werner von Siemens developed primitive loud speaker
1878First hydroelectric plant in Cragside, England
1878English engineer Joseph Swan invented Incandescent light bulb
1879American physicist Edwin Herbert Hall discovered Hall Effect
1879Thomas Alva Edison introduced a long lasting filament for the incandescent lamp.
1880French physicists Pierre Curie and Jacques Curie discovered Piezoelectricity
1882First thermal power stations in London and New York
1883English physicist J J Thomson invented waveguides
1887German American inventor Emile Berliner invented gramophone record
1888German physicist Heinrich Hertz proved that electro magnetic waves travel over some distance. (First indication of radio communication)
1888Italian physicist and electrical engineer Galileo Ferraris publishes a paper on the induction motor and Serbian-American engineer Nikola Tesla gets a US patent on the same device[3][4]
1890Thomas Alva Edison invented fuse
1893During the Fourth International Conference of Electricians in Chicago electrical units were defined
1894Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov developed a prototype of a radio receiver
1896First successful intercontinental telegram
1897German inventor Karl Ferdinand Braun invented cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)
1900Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi succeeded in first radio broadcast
1901First transatlantic radio broadcast by Guglielmo Marconi
1901American engineer Peter Cooper Hewitt invented Fluorescent lamp
1904English engineer John Ambrose Fleming invented diode
1906American inventor Lee de Forest invented triode
1908Scottish engineer Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton, laid the principles of Television.
1911Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered Superconductivity
1912American engineer Edwin Howard Armstrong developed Electronic oscillator
1915French phyisicist Paul Langevin and Russian engineer Constantin Chilowsky invented sonar
1917American engineer Alexander M. Nicholson invented crystal oscillator
1918French physicist Henri Abraham and Eugene Bloch invented multivibrator
1919Edwin Howard Armstrong developed standard AM radio receiver
1921Metre Convention was extended to include the electrical units
1925Austrian American engineer Julius Edgar Lilienfeld patented the first FET (which became popular much later)
1926Yagi-Uda antenna was developed by the Japanese engineers Hidetsugu Yagi and Shintaro Uda
1927American engineer Harold Stephen Black invented negative feedback amplifier
1927German Physicist Max Dieckmann invented Video camera tube
1928First experimental Television broadcast in the US.
1929First public TV broadcast in Germany
1931First wind energy plant in the Soviet Union
1936Dudley E. Foster and Stuart William Seeley developed FM detector circuit.
1936Austrian engineer Paul Eisler invented Printed circuit board
1936Scottish Scientist Robert Watson-Watt developed the Radar concept which was proposed earlier.
1938Russian American engineer Vladimir K. Zworykin developed Iconoscope
1939Edwin Howard Armstrong developed FM radio receiver
1939Russell and Sigurd Varian developed the first Klystron tube in the US.
1941German engineer Konrad Zuse developed the first programmable computer in Berlin
1944Scottish Engineer John Logie Baird developed the first color picture tube
1945Transatlantic telephone cable
1947American engineers John Bardeen and Walter Houser Brattain together with their group leader William Shockley invented transistor.
1948Hungarian-British physicist Dennis Gabor invented Holography
1950French physicist Alfred Kastler invented MASER
1951First nuclear power plant in the US
1953First fully transistorized computer in the US
1958American engineer Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit (IC)
1960American engineer Theodore Harold Maiman invented the LASER
1962Nick Holonyak Jr. invented the LED
1963First home Videocassette recorder (VCR)
1963Electronic calculator
2008American scientist Richard Stanley Williams invented memristor which was proposed by Leon O. Chua in 1971

सम्बन्धित खोजों की समयरेखा

इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी के इतिहास की समयरेखा
1878कैथोड किरणेंक्रूक्स (Crookes)
1900Old quantum theoryPlanck
1905Theory of relativityEinstein
1918Atomic transmutationRutherford
1932Particle acceleratorCrockcroft and Walton
1935Scanning electron microscopeKnoll
1937OscillographVan Ardenne, Dowling, and Bullen
1950ModemMIT and Bell Labs
1950Karnaugh mapping technique (digital logic)Karnaugh
1952Digital voltmeterKay
1954Solar batteryChapin, Fuller, and Pearson
1956Transatlantic telephone cableUK and U.S.
1957Sputnik I satelliteSoviet Union
1957Nuclear MissileKurchatov / Soviet Union
1957FORTRAN programming languageWatson Scientific
1959First one-piece plain paper photocopier (Xerox 914)Xerox
1959Veroboard (Stripboard)Terry Fitzpatrick
1961Electronic clockVogel and Cie, patented by Alexander Bain, Scottish clockmaker in 1840.
1963First commercially successful audio compact cassettePhilips Corporation
1964BASIC programming languageKemeny and Kurtz
1964Liquid-crystal displayGeorge H. Heilmeier
1966Optical fiber communicationsKao and Hockham
late 1960sFirst digital fax machineDacom
1969UNIX operating systemAT&T's Bell Labs
1970First microprocessor (4004, 60,000 oper/s)Intel
1970First commercially available DRAM memoryIBM
1971PASCAL programming languageWirth
1971First microcomputer-on-a-chipTexas Instruments
1971Laser printerXerox
19728008 processor (200 kHz, 16 kB)Intel
1972First programmable word processorAutomatic Electronic Systems
19725¼-inch disketteN/A
1972First modern ATM machine (IBM 2984)IBM
1973Josephson junctionIBM
1973Tunable continuous-wave laserBell Labs
1973Mobile phoneJohn F. Mitchell and Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola
1974C (programming language)Kernighan, Ritchie
1974Programmable pocket calculatorHewlett-Packard
1975BASIC for personal computersAllen
1975First personal computer (Altair 8800)Roberts
1975Digital cameraSteven Sasson of Eastman Kodak
1975Integrated optical circuitsReinhart and Logan
1975Omni-font optical character recognition systemNuance Communications
1975CCD flatbed scannerKurzweil Computer Products
1975Text-to-speech synthesisKurzweil Computer Products
1975First commercial reading machine for the blind (Kurzweil Reading Machine)Kurzweil Computer Products
1976Apple I computerWozniak, Jobs
1977Launch of the "1977 trinity computers" expanding home computing, the Apple II, Commodore PET and the TRS-80Apple, Tandy Corporation, Commodore Business Machines
1977First handheld electronic game (Auto Race)Mattel
1978WordPerfect 1.0Satellite Software
19803½-inch floppy (2-sided, 875 kB)N/A
1980VIC-20Commodore Business Machines
1981IBM Personal Computer (8088 processor)IBM
1981MS-DOS 1.0Microsoft
1981"Wet" solar cellBayer AG
1982Commodore 64Commodore Business Machines
1982First commercially marketed large-vocabulary speech recognitionKurzweil Applied Intelligence and Dragon Systems
1983Satellite televisionU.S. Satellite Communications, Inc.
1983First built-in hard drive (IBM PC XT)IBM
1983C++ (programming language)Stroostrup
1984Macintosh computer (introduced)Apple Computer
1984CD-ROM player for personal computersPhilips
1984First music synthesizer (Kurzweil K250) capable of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral instrumentsKurzweil Music Systems
1984Amiga computer (introduced)Commodore
1985300,000 simultaneous telephone conversations over single optical fiberAT&T, Bell Labs
1987Warmer superconductivityKarl Alex Mueller
198780386 microprocessor (25 MHz)Intel
1989First commercial handheld GPS receiver (Magellan NAV 1000)Magellan Navigation Inc.
1989Silicon-germanium transistorsIBM fellow Bernie Meyerson
1990486 microprocessor (33 MHz)Intel
1993Weather Control Device / HAARPU.S.
1994Pentium processor, P5-based (60/90 MHz, 166.2 MIPS)Intel
1994First DVD player ever madeTatung Company
1996Alpha 21164 processor (550 MHz)Digital Equipment
1996P2SC processor (15 million transistors)IBM


  1. Isaac Asimov:Biographical Encyclopedia of science and Engineering, London, 1975 ISBN 0-330-24323-3
  2. Elektrik Mühendisliği, s.259-260, Kemal İnan pp 245-263
  3. Fritz E. Froehlich, Allen Kent, The Froehlich/Kent Encyclopedia of Telecommunications: Volume 17, page 36. Books.google.com. मूल से 6 जुलाई 2014 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 2012-09-10.
  4. The Electrical Engineer. (1888). London: Biggs & Co. Pg., 239. [cf., "[...] new application of the alternating current in the production of rotary motion was made known almost simultaneously by two experimenters, Nikola Tesla and Galileo Ferraris, and the subject has attracted general attention from the fact that no commutator or connection of any kind with the armature was required."]