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विकिपिडिया:IPA for Swedish and Norwegian

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Swedish and Norwegian pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.

See Swedish phonology and Norwegian phonology for a more thorough look at the sounds of these languages. Examples in the table are Swedish unless otherwise noted.

IPAExamplesNearest English equivalent
babort ('abortion') about
ɕçKina ('China') she (Swedish), hue (Norwegian)
ɖ[1]nord ('north') order
ffot ('foot') fold
ɡgod ('good') ago
hhatt ('hat') hoot
ɧ[2]ʃSwedish: sjok ('chunk'), Norwegian: sjø ('sea')
loch etc. (Swedish)
shoe (Norwegian)
jjojo ('yo-yo')you
kkafé ('café') coo
llake (Norwegian: 'brine', Norwegian and Swedish: 'burbot') love
ɭ[1]Karl (male first name)twirl
mman ('mane') mood
nnatt ('night') noon
ɳ[1]barn ('child') turner
ŋting ('thing') long
ppappa ('father') pool
r[3]år ('year') A flapped or trilled R.
ssabel ('sabre') soon
ʂ[1]torsdag ('Thursday') marshal (in some dialects)
ttorsdag ('Thursday') too
ʈ[1]parti ('political party') cartel
vʋvaktel ('quail')vote in Swedish;
between v and w in Norwegian
IPAExamplesNearest English equivalent
ɑːmat [ˈmɑːt] "food" bra
aɑfast [ˈfast]/[ˈfɑst] "steady, unmoving" father
æː[4]ära [æːra]/"ære" [æːre] "honor" Australian ham
æ[4]fersk [ˈfæʂːk] "fresh" trap
hel [ˈheːl] "whole" Scottish save
ɛːhäl [ˈhɛːl] "heel" there
ɛhäll/helle [ˈhɛl] "flat rock" hell
sil [ˈsiːl] "sieve" leaf
ɪsill/sild [ˈsɪl]/[ˈsɪl(d)] "herring" hill
mål [ˈmoːl] "goal" Scottish/Canadian stove
ɔmoll [ˈmɔl] "minor" (music) moll, with round lips
øːdö/dø ['døː] "die" No English equivalent; German long ö
œnött [ˈnœt] "worn" in Swedish
nøtt "nut" in Norwegian
No English equivalent; German short ö
œː[4]öra [œːra] "ear" British learn or fur
ɵʉfull [ˈfɵl] "full" bird, with tight lips[5]
[5]bot [ˈbuːt] "penance" boot
ʉː[5]ful [ˈfʉːl] "ugly, cunning, sly" fuel, Australian food, with tight lips[6]
ʊ[5]bott [ˈbʊt] "lived" in Swedish put, with tight lips
[5]syl [ˈsyːl] "awl" No English equivalent; French u
ʏ[5]syll [ˈsʏl] "sleeper" (railroad) in Swedish;
fylle "fill" in Norwegian
No English equivalent; German short ü
əbegå [bəˈgoː] "commit" about
Stress and tone
"the duck"
Tone 1 / acute accent:
• Single stress with single falling tone in Stockholm: [ˈândɛn]
• Low tone [ˈà] in Oslo and falling tone [ˈâ] in western Norway
"the spirit"
Tone 2 / grave accent:
• Double stress with double falling tone in Stockholm: [ˈânˈdɛ̂n]
• Falling tone [ˈâ] in Oslo and rising-falling tone in western Norway


  1. In many of the dialects that have an apical rhotic consonant, a recursive Sandhi process of retroflexion occurs wherein clusters of /r/ and dental consonants /rd/, /rl/, /rn/, /rs/, /rt/ produce retroflex consonant realizations: [ɖ], [ɭ], [ɳ], [ʂ], [ʈ]. In dialects with a guttural R, such as Southern Swedish and many Southern and Western Norwegian dialects these are [ʀd], [ʀl], [ʀn], [ʀs], [ʀt].
  2. Swedish /ɧ/ is a regionally variable sound, sometimes [xʷ], [ɸˠ], or [ʂ]
  3. /r/ is regionally variable, being alveolar in some dialects and uvular in others.
  4. Before /r/, the quality of non-high front vowels is changed in Swedish. /ɛː/ and /ɛ/ lower to [æ]; /øː/, and /œ/ are lowered to [œ̞], though the diacritic is not included in the chart above for simplicity.
  5. Vowels spelled u, o are compressed vowels. Those spelled ö/ø, y, å, on the other hand, are protruded vowels.
  6. [ʉː] is a central vowel in Oslo, but a front vowel in Stockholm.
