The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Swedish and Norwegian pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.
See Swedish phonology and Norwegian phonology for a more thorough look at the sounds of these languages. Examples in the table are Swedish unless otherwise noted.
Consonants |
IPA | Examples | Nearest English equivalent |
Swed.  | Norw.  |
b | abort ('abortion') | about | ɕ | ç | Kina ('China') | she (Swedish), hue (Norwegian) | d | dag | do | ɖ[1] | nord ('north') | order | f | fot ('foot') | fold | ɡ | god ('good') | ago | h | hatt ('hat') | hoot | ɧ[2] | ʃ | Swedish: sjok ('chunk'), Norwegian: sjø ('sea')
| loch etc. (Swedish) shoe (Norwegian) | j | jojo ('yo-yo') | you | k | kafé ('café') | coo | l | lake (Norwegian: 'brine', Norwegian and Swedish: 'burbot') | love | ɭ[1] | Karl (male first name) | twirl | m | man ('mane') | mood | n | natt ('night') | noon | ɳ[1] | barn ('child') | turner | ŋ | ting ('thing') | long | p | pappa ('father') | pool | r[3] | år ('year') | A flapped or trilled R. | s | sabel ('sabre') | soon | ʂ[1] | | torsdag ('Thursday') | marshal (in some dialects) | t | torsdag ('Thursday') | too | ʈ[1] | parti ('political party') | cartel | v | ʋ | vaktel ('quail') | vote in Swedish; between v and w in Norwegian |
| Vowels |
IPA | Examples | Nearest English equivalent |
Swed.  | Norw.  |
ɑː | mat [ˈmɑːt] "food" | bra | a | ɑ | fast [ˈfast]/[ˈfɑst] "steady, unmoving" | father | æː[4] | ära [æːra]/"ære" [æːre] "honor" | Australian ham | æ[4] | fersk [ˈfæʂːk] "fresh" | trap | eː | hel [ˈheːl] "whole" | Scottish save | ɛː | | häl [ˈhɛːl] "heel" | there | ɛ | häll/helle [ˈhɛl] "flat rock" | hell | iː | sil [ˈsiːl] "sieve" | leaf | ɪ | sill/sild [ˈsɪl]/[ˈsɪl(d)] "herring" | hill | oː | mål [ˈmoːl] "goal" | Scottish/Canadian stove | ɔ | moll [ˈmɔl] "minor" (music) | moll, with round lips | øː | dö/dø ['døː] "die" | No English equivalent; German long ö | œ | nött [ˈnœt] "worn" in Swedish nøtt "nut" in Norwegian | No English equivalent; German short ö | œː[4] | | öra [œːra] "ear" | British learn or fur | ɵ | ʉ | full [ˈfɵl] "full" | bird, with tight lips[5] | uː[5] | bot [ˈbuːt] "penance" | boot | ʉː[5] | ful [ˈfʉːl] "ugly, cunning, sly" | fuel, Australian food, with tight lips[6] | ʊ[5] | bott [ˈbʊt] "lived" in Swedish | put, with tight lips | yː[5] | syl [ˈsyːl] "awl" | No English equivalent; French u | ʏ[5] | syll [ˈsʏl] "sleeper" (railroad) in Swedish; fylle "fill" in Norwegian | No English equivalent; German short ü | unstressed |
ə | begå [bəˈgoː] "commit" | about |
Stress and tone |
IPA | Examples | |
Swedish |
ˈa | [ˈandɛn] "the duck" | Tone 1 / acute accent: • Single stress with single falling tone in Stockholm: [ˈândɛn] • Low tone [ˈà] in Oslo and falling tone [ˈâ] in western Norway | ˈa.ˈa | [ˈanˈdɛn] "the spirit" | Tone 2 / grave accent: • Double stress with double falling tone in Stockholm: [ˈânˈdɛ̂n] • Falling tone [ˈâ] in Oslo and rising-falling tone in western Norway |
- ↑ अ आ इ ई उ In many of the dialects that have an apical rhotic consonant, a recursive Sandhi process of retroflexion occurs wherein clusters of /r/ and dental consonants /rd/, /rl/, /rn/, /rs/, /rt/ produce retroflex consonant realizations: [ɖ], [ɭ], [ɳ], [ʂ], [ʈ]. In dialects with a guttural R, such as Southern Swedish and many Southern and Western Norwegian dialects these are [ʀd], [ʀl], [ʀn], [ʀs], [ʀt].
- ↑ Swedish /ɧ/ is a regionally variable sound, sometimes [xʷ], [ɸˠ], or [ʂ]
- ↑ /r/ is regionally variable, being alveolar in some dialects and uvular in others.
- ↑ अ आ इ Before /r/, the quality of non-high front vowels is changed in Swedish. /ɛː/ and /ɛ/ lower to [æ]; /øː/, and /œ/ are lowered to [œ̞], though the diacritic is not included in the chart above for simplicity.
- ↑ अ आ इ ई उ ऊ Vowels spelled u, o are compressed vowels. Those spelled ö/ø, y, å, on the other hand, are protruded vowels.
- ↑ [ʉː] is a central vowel in Oslo, but a front vowel in Stockholm.