सामग्री पर जाएँ

प्रोग्रामन भाषाओं की समयरेखा

यहाँ पर ऐतिहासिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण प्रोग्रामन भाषाओं की समयरेखा (timeline) दर्शायी गयी है।


(प्रविष्टि) का अर्थ है एक गैर-सार्वत्रिक प्रोग्रामन भाषा (non-universal programming language)
* <वर्ष> का अर्थ है एक अद्वितीय (unique) भाषा जिसका कोई पूर्ववर्ती न रहा हो।
पूर्ववर्तीवर्षनामप्रमुख विकासकर्ता, कम्पनी

१९५० के पहले

* १८३७ Analytical Engine order codeCharles Babbage and Ada Lovelace
* 1943-5 Plankalkül (concept) Konrad Zuse
* 1943-6 ENIAC coding systemJohn von Neumann, John Mauchly, J. Presper Eckert, Herman Goldstine after Alan Turing
ENIAC coding system 1946 ENIAC Short CodeRichard Clippinger, John von Neumann after Alan Turing
ENIAC coding system 1946 Von Neumann and Goldstine graphing system (Notation) John von Neumann and Herman Goldstine
ENIAC coding system 1947 ARC AssemblyKathleen Booth
Analytical Engine order code 1948 CPC Coding schemeHoward Aiken
ENIAC coding system 1948 Curry notation systemHaskell Curry
ENIAC Short Code 1949 Brief CodeJohn Mauchly and William F. Schmitt
ENIAC Short Code 1949 C-10Betty Holberton
CPC Coding scheme 1949 Seeber coding scheme (concept) Robert Seeber

1950 के बाद

1950 के दशक में

Brief Code 1950 Short CodeWilliam F Schmidt, A.B. Tonik, J.R. Logan
ARC 1950 Birkbeck AssemblerKathleen Booth
Plankalkül 1951 SuperplanHeinz Rutishauser
* 1951 ALGAEEdward A Voorhees and Karl Balke
Short Code 1951 Intermediate Programming LanguageArthur Burks
EDSAC 1951 Regional Assembly LanguageMaurice Wilkes
Aiken CPC system1951 Boehm unnamed coding systemCorrado Boehm
Plankalkül 1951 KlammerausdrückeKonrad Zuse
Short Code 1951 OMNIBAC Symbolic AssemblerCharles Katz
* 1951 Stanislaus (Notation) Fritz Bauer
EDSAC 1951 Whirlwind assemblerCharles Adams and Jack Gilmore at MIT Project Whirlwind
EDSAC 1951 Rochester assemblerNat Rochester
* 1951 Sort Merge GeneratorBetty Holberton
C-10 and Short Code 1952 A-0Grace Hopper
Aiken CPC 1952 AutocodeAlick Glennie after Alan Turing
SORT/MERGE 1952 Editing GeneratorMilly Koss
* 1953 SpeedcodingJohn W. Backus
* 1953 READ/PRINTDon Harroff, James Fishman, George Ryckman
* 1954 Laning and Zierler systemLaning, Zierler, Adams at MIT Project Whirlwind
Glennie Autocode 1954 Mark I AutocodeTony Brooker
Speedcoding 1954-1955 FORTRAN "0" (concept) Team led by John W. Backus at IBM
A-0 1954 ARITH-MATICTeam led by Grace Hopper at UNIVAC
A-0 1954 MATH-MATICTeam led by Charles Katz
* 1954 MATRIX MATHH G Kahrimanian
* 1954 IPL I (concept) Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon
A-0 1955 FLOW-MATICTeam led by Grace Hopper at UNIVAC
1955 BACAICM. Grems and R. Porter
Boehm 1955-6 Sequentielle FormelübersetzungFritz Bauer and Karl Samelson
Laning and Zerler 1955-6 ITTeam led by Alan Perlis
IPL I 1958 IPL II (implementation) Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon
IPL 1956-1958 LISP (concept) John McCarthy
FORTRAN 0 1957 FORTRAN "I" (implementation) John W. Backus at IBM
MATH-MATIC 1957-1958 UNICODERemington Rand UNIVAC
* 1957 COMIT (concept)
FORTRAN I 1958 FORTRAN IITeam led by John W. Backus at IBM
FORTRAN, IT and Sequentielle Formelübersetzung 1958 ALGOL 58 (IAL) ACM/GAMM
IPL II 1958 IPL VAllen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon
* 1959 FACTFletcher R. Jones, Roy Nutt, Robert L. Patrick
FLOW-MATIC, COMTRAN, FACT 1959 COBOL (concept) The Codasyl Committee
ALGOL 58 1959 JOVIALJules Schwartz at SDC
IPL 1959 LISP (implementation) John McCarthy
1959 TRAC (concept) Mooers


ALGOL 58 1960 ALGOL 60
FLOW-MATIC, COMTRAN 1960 COBOL 61 (implementation) The Codasyl Committee
* 1961 COMIT (implementation)
* 1962 APL (concept) Iverson
ALGOL 58 1962 MADArden, et al.
ALGOL 60 1962 SIMULA (concept)
FORTRAN II, COMIT 1962 SNOBOLGriswold, et al.
ALGOL 60 1963 CPLBarron, Strachey, et al.
SNOBOL 1963 SNOBOL3Griswold, et al.
ALGOL 60 1963 ALGOL 68 (concept) van Wijngaarden, et al.
ALGOL 58 1963 JOSS ICliff Shaw, RAND
MIDAS 1964 MIMICH. E. Petersen, et al.
CPL, LISP 1964 COWSELBurstall, Popplestone
ALGOL 60, COBOL, FORTRAN 1964 PL/I (concept) IBM
FORTRAN II, JOSS 1964 BASICKemeny and Kurtz
1964 Mark-IVInformatics
1964 TRAC (implementation) Mooers
1964? IITRAN
JOSS I 1966 JOSS IIChuck Baker, RAND
ALGOL 60 1966 ALGOL WNiklaus Wirth, C. A. R. Hoare
LISP 1966 ISWIM (Concept)Landin
ALGOL 60 1966 CORAL66
CPL 1967 BCPLRichards
FORTRAN, TELCOMP 1967 MUMPSMassachusetts General Hospital
* 1967 APL (implementation) Iverson
ALGOL 60 1967 SIMULA 67 (implementation) Dahl, Myhrhaug, Nygaard at Norsk Regnesentral
SNOBOL3 1967 SNOBOL4Griswold, et al.
PL/I 1967 XPLW. M. Mckeeman, et al. at University Of California Santa Cruz, California
J. J. Horning, et al. at Stanford University
ALGOL 60 1968 ALGOL 68 (युनेस्को/IFIP standard) A. van Wijngaarden, B.J. Mailloux, J.E.L. Peck and C.H.A. Koster, et al.
COWSEL 1968 POP-1Burstall, Popplestone
1968 FORTH (concept) Moore
LISP 1968 LOGOPapert
* 1968 REFAL (implementation) Valentin Turchin
ALGOL 60, COBOL, FORTRAN 1969 PL/I (implementation) IBM
BCPL 1969 BKen Thompson, with contributions from Dennis Ritchie
1969 PPLThomas A. Standish at Harvard University
1969 SETLJacob T. Schwartz at Courant Institute
1969 TUTORUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


1970? FORTH (implementation) Moore
POP-1 1970 POP-2
ALGOL 60, ALGOL W 1970 PascalWirth, Jensen
Pascal, XPL 1971 SueHolt et al. at University of Toronto
SIMULA 67 1972 SmalltalkXerox PARC
PL/I, ALGOL, XPL 1972 PL/MKildall at Digital Research
B, BCPL, ALGOL 68 1972 CDennis Ritchie
* 1972 INTERCALDon Woods and James M. Lyon
2-level W-Grammar 1972 PrologColmerauer
Pascal, BASIC 1973 COMALChristensen, Løfstedt
1973 MLRobin Milner
Pascal, Sue 1973 LISIchbiah et al. at CII Honeywell Bull
SETL1975 ABCLeo Geurts and Lambert Meertens
LISP 1975 SchemeSussman, Steele
BASIC 1975 Altair BASICGates, Allen
ALGOL 68, BLISS, ECL, HAL 1975 CS-4Brosgol at Intermetrics
Pascal 1975 ModulaWirth
Smalltalk-72 1976 Smalltalk-76Xerox PARC
Speakeasy-2 1976 Speakeasy-3Stanley Cohen,Stephen Pieper at Argonne National Laboratory
C, FORTRAN 1976 RatforKernighan
APL, PPL, Scheme 1976 SJohn Chambers at Bell Laboratories
* 1977 FPJohn Backus
* 1977 Bourne Shell (sh) Bourne
Fortran 1977 IDLDavid Stern of Research Systems Inc
MUMPS 1977 Standard MUMPS
SNOBOL 1977 Icon (concept) Griswold
ALGOL 68, LIS 1977 GreenIchbiah et al. at CII Honeywell Bull for US Dept of Defense
ALGOL 68, CS-4 1977 RedBrosgol et al. at Intermetrics for US Dept of Defense
ALGOL 68, 1977 BlueGoodenough et al. at SofTech for US Dept of Defense
ALGOL 68, 1977 YellowSpitzen et al. at SRI International for US Dept of Defense
* 1978? MATLABMoler at the University of New Mexico
Algol60 1978? SMALLBrownlee at the University of Auckland
Ingres 1978 SQL aka structured query languageIBM
* 1978 VISICALCBricklin, Frankston marketed by VisiCorp
Modula 1979 Modula-2Wirth
PL/I, BASIC, EXEC 2 1979 REXXCowlishaw
C, SNOBOL 1979 AWKAho, Weinberger, Kernighan
SNOBOL 1979 Icon (implementation) Griswold
* 1979 Vulcan dBase-IIRatliff


C, SIMULA 67 1980 C with classesStroustrup
BASIC, Compiler Systems, Digital Research 1980-1981 CBASICGordon Eubanks
Speakeasy-3 1982? Speakeasy-IVStanley Cohen, et al. at Speakeasy Computing Corporation
Smalltalk, C 1982 Objective-CBrad Cox
BASICA1983 GW-BASICMicrosoft
Green 1983 AdaCII Honeywell Bull
C with Classes 1983 C++Stroustrup
BASIC 1983 True BASICKemeny, Kurtz at Dartmouth College
sh 1984? Korn Shell (ksh) David Korn
Forth, Lisp1984 RPLHewlett-Packard
ML 1984 Standard ML
dBase 1984 CLIPPERNantucket
LISP 1984 Common LispGuy Steele and many others
1984 RedcodeA.K. Dewdney and D.G. Jones
Pascal 1985 Object PascalApple Computer
dBase 1985 PARADOXBorland
InterPress1985 PostScriptWarnock
BASIC1985 QuickBASICMicrosoft
BASIC1986 GFA BASICFrank Ostrowski
1986 MirandaDavid Turner at University of Kent
1986 LabVIEWNational Instruments
SIMULA 67 1986 EiffelMeyer
1986 Informix-4GLInformix
INFORM 1986 CorVisionCortex
Smalltalk 1987 Self (concept) Sun Microsystems Inc.
* 1987 HyperTalkApple
C 1987 MagicMagic Software Enterprises
C, sed, awk, sh 1987 PerlWall
Modula-2 1987 OberonWirth
Prolog 1987 ErlangJoe Armstrong and others in Ericsson
* 1987 MathematicaWolfram Research
BASIC/Z 1987 Turbo BasicRobert 'Bob' Zale
MATLAB1988 Octave
Awk, Lisp 1988 TclOusterhout
BASIC1988 STOS BASICFrançois Lionet and Constantin Sotiropoulos
REXX 1988 Object REXXSimon C. Nash
Ada 1988 SPARKBernard A. Carré
APL 1988 A+Arthur Whitney
Turbo Pascal, Object Pascal 1989 Turbo Pascal OOPHejlsberg at Borland
Modula-2 1989 Modula-3Cardeli, et al. DEC and Olivetti
Turbo Basic 1989 PowerBASICRobert 'Bob' Zale


STOS BASIC1990 AMOS BASICFrançois Lionet and Constantin Sotiropoulos
Oberon 1990 Object OberonH Mössenböck, J Templ, R Griesemer
APL, FP 1990 JIverson, R. Hui at Iverson Software
Miranda 1990 Haskell
Common Lisp, Scheme 1990 Eulisp
Object Oberon 1991 Oberon-2Hanspeter Mössenböck, Wirth
ABC, ALGOL 68[1], Icon, Modula-31991 PythonVan Rossum
Prolog 1991 OzGert Smolka and his students
1991 QAlbert Gräf
QuickBASIC 1991 Visual BasicAlan Cooper, sold to Microsoft
Turbo Pascal OOP 1992 Borland Pascal
Common Lisp, Scheme 1992 Dylanmany people at Apple Computer
ksh 1993? Z Shell (zsh)
Smalltalk 1993? Self (implementation) Sun Microsystems Inc.
* 1993 BrainfuckUrban Müller
Forth 1993 FALSEWouter van Oortmerssen
* 1993 WinDevPC Soft
HyperTalk 1993 Revolution Transcript
HyperTalk 1993 AppleScriptApple
APL, Lisp 1993 KArthur Whitney
Smalltalk, Perl 1993 RubyYukihiro Matsumoto
Lua 1993 LuaRoberto Ierusalimschy et al. at Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
C 1993 ZPLChamberlain et al. at University of Washington
Self, Dylan 1993 NewtonScriptWalter Smith
Common Lisp1994 ANSI Common Lisp
Perl 1994 PHPRasmus Lerdorf
LPC, C, µLPC 1994 PikeFredrik Hübinette et al. at Linköping University
Forth 1994 ANS ForthElizabeth Rather, et al.
Borland Pascal 1995 Borland DelphiAnders Hejlsberg at Borland
1995 ColdFusion (CFML)Allaire
C, SIMULA67 OR C++, Smalltalk, Ada 83, Objective-C 1995 JavaJames Gosling at Sun Microsystems
Self, Java 1995 LiveScriptBrendan Eich at Netscape
Lisp, C++, Tcl/Tk, TeX, HTML 1996 CurlDavid Kranz, Steve Ward, Chris Terman at MIT
LiveScript 1996 JavaScriptBrendan Eich at Netscape
APL, Perl 1996 Perl Data Language (PDL)Karl Glazebrook, Jarle Brinchmann, Tuomas Lukka, and Christian Soeller
S 1996 RRobert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
REXX 1996 NetRexxCowlishaw
1996 LassoBlue World Communication
Oberon-2 1997 Component PascalOberon microsystems, Inc
Joule, Original-E 1997 EMark S. Miller
Scheme 1997 PicoFree University of Brussels
Smalltalk-80, Self 1997 Squeak SmalltalkAlan Kay, et al. at Apple Computer
JavaScript 1997 ECMAScriptECMA TC39-TG1
Smalltalk, APL, Objective-C 1997 F-ScriptPhilippe Mougin
Common Lisp1997 ISLISPISO Standard ISLISP
Java, Scheme, Tcl1997 TeaJorge Nunes
Self, Forth, Lisp, Logo1997 REBOLCarl Sassenrath, Rebol Technologies
C++, Standard C 1998 Standard C++ANSI/ISO Standard C++
Erlang 1998 Open Source ErlangEricsson
AWK, Perl, Unix shell 1998 PiktRobert Osterlund (then at University of Chicago)
JAVA, SQL 1998 DASL (BOS)Bob Goldberg and Ludovic Champenois at Sun Microsystems
Web 2.0 IDE & ALM 1999 WebDevPC Soft
DSSSL1999 XSLT (+ XPath) W3C, James Clark
Game Maker1999 Game Maker Language (GML)Mark Overmars
JAVA, HTML 1999 DASL (AUS)Bob Goldberg, Bruce Daniels, Peter Yared, Yury Kamen, and Syed Ali at Sun Microsystems


Java 2000 Join JavaG Stewart von Itzstein
FP, Forth 2000 Joyvon Thun
C, C++, C#, Java 2000 DWalter Bright at Digital Mars
Ada, C++, Lisp 2000 XLChristophe de Dinechin
Magic 2000 eDeveloperMagic Software Enterprises
C, C++, Java, Delphi 2000 C#Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft(ECMA)
C, C++, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scheme 2000 FeriteChris Ross
Java 2001 AspectJXerox PARC
Visual Basic 2001 Visual Basic.NETMicrosoft
Self, NewtonScript 2002 IoSteve Dekorte
C#, ML, MetaHaskell 2003 NemerleUniversity of Wrocław
Joy, Forth, Lisp 2003 FactorSlava Pestov
Smalltalk, Java, Haskell, Standard ML, OCaml 2003 ScalaMartin Odersky
Lua 2003 SquirrelAlberto Demichelis
BASIC2004 FreeBASICAndre Victor
Mobile Development 2004 WinDev MobilePC Soft
* 2004 SubtextJonathan Edwards
Python, C# 2004 BooRodrigo B. de Oliveira
Object Pascal, C# 2004 Oxygene (formerly Chrome) RemObjects Software
Java 2004 GroovyJames Strachan
BASIC2004 ThinBasicEros Olmi thinBasic community
Objective Caml, C#, Haskell 2005 F#Don Syme at Microsoft Research
ARC Assembler 2005 Rage AssemblerWim Boot at Micronix Softworks
* 2005 Corn
Haskell 2006 LinksPhil Wadler, University of Edinburgh
* 2006 KiteMooneer Salem
C#, ksh, Perl, CL, DCL, SQL 2006 Windows PowerShellMicrosoft
C#, Scala, Ruby, Erlang 2007 FanBrian Frank, Andy Frank
APEX 2007 APEXSalesforce.com
C# 2007 ValaGNOME
Lisp, ML, Haskell, Erlang2007 ClojureRich Hickey
* 2007 LOLCODEAdam Lindsay
* 2008 RapidRageWim Boot at Micronix Softworks
eDeveloper 2008 uniPaaSMagic Software Enterprises
Haskell 2008 DiscipleBen Lippmeier Disciple Wiki
C, R 2008 PCASTLPhilippe Choquette
* 2008 SecciaSylvain Seccia
Standard ML, SML/NJ 2009 MythrylCynbe ru Taren
* 2009 icon.NETDylan Borg

इन्हें भी देखें


  1. "Interview with Guido van Rossum". 1998. मूल से 30 मार्च 2012 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 28 2008. नामालूम प्राचल |dateformat= की उपेक्षा की गयी (मदद); नामालूम प्राचल |month= की उपेक्षा की गयी (मदद); |accessdate= में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)

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