पूर्ववर्ती | वर्ष | नाम | प्रमुख विकासकर्ता, कम्पनी |
१९५० के पहले |
* | १८३७ | Analytical Engine order code | Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace |
* | 1943-5 | Plankalkül (concept) | Konrad Zuse |
* | 1943-6 | ENIAC coding system | John von Neumann, John Mauchly, J. Presper Eckert, Herman Goldstine after Alan Turing |
ENIAC coding system | 1946 | ENIAC Short Code | Richard Clippinger, John von Neumann after Alan Turing |
ENIAC coding system | 1946 | Von Neumann and Goldstine graphing system (Notation) | John von Neumann and Herman Goldstine |
ENIAC coding system | 1947 | ARC Assembly | Kathleen Booth |
Analytical Engine order code | 1948 | CPC Coding scheme | Howard Aiken |
ENIAC coding system | 1948 | Curry notation system | Haskell Curry |
ENIAC Short Code | 1949 | Brief Code | John Mauchly and William F. Schmitt |
ENIAC Short Code | 1949 | C-10 | Betty Holberton |
CPC Coding scheme | 1949 | Seeber coding scheme (concept) | Robert Seeber |
1950 के बाद1950 के दशक में |
Brief Code | 1950 | Short Code | William F Schmidt, A.B. Tonik, J.R. Logan |
ARC | 1950 | Birkbeck Assembler | Kathleen Booth |
Plankalkül | 1951 | Superplan | Heinz Rutishauser |
* | 1951 | ALGAE | Edward A Voorhees and Karl Balke |
Short Code | 1951 | Intermediate Programming Language | Arthur Burks |
EDSAC | 1951 | Regional Assembly Language | Maurice Wilkes |
Aiken CPC system | 1951 | Boehm unnamed coding system | Corrado Boehm |
Plankalkül | 1951 | Klammerausdrücke | Konrad Zuse |
Short Code | 1951 | OMNIBAC Symbolic Assembler | Charles Katz |
* | 1951 | Stanislaus (Notation) | Fritz Bauer |
EDSAC | 1951 | Whirlwind assembler | Charles Adams and Jack Gilmore at MIT Project Whirlwind |
EDSAC | 1951 | Rochester assembler | Nat Rochester |
* | 1951 | Sort Merge Generator | Betty Holberton |
C-10 and Short Code | 1952 | A-0 | Grace Hopper |
Aiken CPC | 1952 | Autocode | Alick Glennie after Alan Turing |
SORT/MERGE | 1952 | Editing Generator | Milly Koss |
* | 1952 | COMPOOL | RAND/SDC |
* | 1953 | Speedcoding | John W. Backus |
* | 1953 | READ/PRINT | Don Harroff, James Fishman, George Ryckman |
* | 1954 | Laning and Zierler system | Laning, Zierler, Adams at MIT Project Whirlwind |
Glennie Autocode | 1954 | Mark I Autocode | Tony Brooker |
Speedcoding | 1954-1955 | FORTRAN "0" (concept) | Team led by John W. Backus at IBM |
A-0 | 1954 | ARITH-MATIC | Team led by Grace Hopper at UNIVAC |
A-0 | 1954 | MATH-MATIC | Team led by Charles Katz |
* | 1954 | MATRIX MATH | H G Kahrimanian |
* | 1954 | IPL I (concept) | Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon |
A-0 | 1955 | FLOW-MATIC | Team led by Grace Hopper at UNIVAC |
| 1955 | BACAIC | M. Grems and R. Porter |
FORTRAN, A-2 | 1955 | PACT I | SHARE |
Boehm | 1955-6 | Sequentielle Formelübersetzung | Fritz Bauer and Karl Samelson |
Laning and Zerler | 1955-6 | IT | Team led by Alan Perlis |
| 1955 | PRINT | IBM |
IPL I | 1958 | IPL II (implementation) | Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon |
IPL | 1956-1958 | LISP (concept) | John McCarthy |
FLOW-MATIC | 1957 | COMTRAN | Bob Bemer |
FORTRAN 0 | 1957 | FORTRAN "I" (implementation) | John W. Backus at IBM |
MATH-MATIC | 1957-1958 | UNICODE | Remington Rand UNIVAC |
* | 1957 | COMIT (concept) |
FORTRAN I | 1958 | FORTRAN II | Team led by John W. Backus at IBM |
FORTRAN, IT and Sequentielle Formelübersetzung | 1958 | ALGOL 58 (IAL) | ACM/GAMM |
IPL II | 1958 | IPL V | Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon |
* | 1959 | FACT | Fletcher R. Jones, Roy Nutt, Robert L. Patrick |
FLOW-MATIC, COMTRAN, FACT | 1959 | COBOL (concept) | The Codasyl Committee |
ALGOL 58 | 1959 | JOVIAL | Jules Schwartz at SDC |
IPL | 1959 | LISP (implementation) | John McCarthy |
| 1959 | TRAC (concept) | Mooers |
1960s |
ALGOL 58 | 1960 | ALGOL 60 |
FLOW-MATIC, COMTRAN | 1960 | COBOL 61 (implementation) | The Codasyl Committee |
* | 1961 | COMIT (implementation) |
* | 1962 | APL (concept) | Iverson |
ALGOL 58 | 1962 | MAD | Arden, et al. |
ALGOL 60 | 1962 | SIMULA (concept) |
FORTRAN II, COMIT | 1962 | SNOBOL | Griswold, et al. |
ALGOL 60 | 1963 | CPL | Barron, Strachey, et al. |
SNOBOL | 1963 | SNOBOL3 | Griswold, et al. |
ALGOL 60 | 1963 | ALGOL 68 (concept) | van Wijngaarden, et al. |
ALGOL 58 | 1963 | JOSS I | Cliff Shaw, RAND |
MIDAS | 1964 | MIMIC | H. E. Petersen, et al. |
CPL, LISP | 1964 | COWSEL | Burstall, Popplestone |
ALGOL 60, COBOL, FORTRAN | 1964 | PL/I (concept) | IBM |
FORTRAN II, JOSS | 1964 | BASIC | Kemeny and Kurtz |
FARGO | 1964 | IBM RPG | IBM |
| 1964 | Mark-IV | Informatics |
| 1964 | TRAC (implementation) | Mooers |
| 1964? | IITRAN |
JOSS | 1965 | TELCOMP | BBN |
JOSS I | 1966 | JOSS II | Chuck Baker, RAND |
ALGOL 60 | 1966 | ALGOL W | Niklaus Wirth, C. A. R. Hoare |
FORTRAN IV | 1966 | FORTRAN 66 | |
LISP | 1966 | ISWIM (Concept) | Landin |
ALGOL 60 | 1966 | CORAL66 |
CPL | 1967 | BCPL | Richards |
FORTRAN, TELCOMP | 1967 | MUMPS | Massachusetts General Hospital |
* | 1967 | APL (implementation) | Iverson |
ALGOL 60 | 1967 | SIMULA 67 (implementation) | Dahl, Myhrhaug, Nygaard at Norsk Regnesentral |
SNOBOL3 | 1967 | SNOBOL4 | Griswold, et al. |
PL/I | 1967 | XPL | W. M. Mckeeman, et al. at University Of California Santa Cruz, California J. J. Horning, et al. at Stanford University |
ALGOL 60 | 1968 | ALGOL 68 (युनेस्को/IFIP standard) | A. van Wijngaarden, B.J. Mailloux, J.E.L. Peck and C.H.A. Koster, et al. |
COWSEL | 1968 | POP-1 | Burstall, Popplestone |
DIBOL | 1968 | DIBOL-8 | DEC |
| 1968 | FORTH (concept) | Moore |
LISP | 1968 | LOGO | Papert |
CRT RPS | 1968 | MAPPER | Unisys |
* | 1968 | REFAL (implementation) | Valentin Turchin |
ALGOL 60, COBOL, FORTRAN | 1969 | PL/I (implementation) | IBM |
BCPL | 1969 | B | Ken Thompson, with contributions from Dennis Ritchie |
| 1969 | PPL | Thomas A. Standish at Harvard University |
| 1969 | SETL | Jacob T. Schwartz at Courant Institute |
| 1969 | TUTOR | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
1970s |
| 1970? | FORTH (implementation) | Moore |
POP-1 | 1970 | POP-2 |
ALGOL 60, ALGOL W | 1970 | Pascal | Wirth, Jensen |
Pascal, XPL | 1971 | Sue | Holt et al. at University of Toronto |
SIMULA 67 | 1972 | Smalltalk | Xerox PARC |
PL/I, ALGOL, XPL | 1972 | PL/M | Kildall at Digital Research |
B, BCPL, ALGOL 68 | 1972 | C | Dennis Ritchie |
* | 1972 | INTERCAL | Don Woods and James M. Lyon |
2-level W-Grammar | 1972 | Prolog | Colmerauer |
Pascal, BASIC | 1973 | COMAL | Christensen, Løfstedt |
| 1973 | ML | Robin Milner |
Pascal, Sue | 1973 | LIS | Ichbiah et al. at CII Honeywell Bull |
BASIC | 1974 | GRASS | DeFanti |
Business BASIC | 1974 | BASIC FOUR | MAI BASIC Four Inc. |
SETL | 1975 | ABC | Leo Geurts and Lambert Meertens |
LISP | 1975 | Scheme | Sussman, Steele |
BASIC | 1975 | Altair BASIC | Gates, Allen |
ALGOL 68, BLISS, ECL, HAL | 1975 | CS-4 | Brosgol at Intermetrics |
Pascal | 1975 | Modula | Wirth |
Smalltalk-72 | 1976 | Smalltalk-76 | Xerox PARC |
Speakeasy-2 | 1976 | Speakeasy-3 | Stanley Cohen,Stephen Pieper at Argonne National Laboratory |
C, FORTRAN | 1976 | Ratfor | Kernighan |
APL, PPL, Scheme | 1976 | S | John Chambers at Bell Laboratories |
* | 1977 | FP | John Backus |
* | 1977 | Bourne Shell (sh) | Bourne |
Fortran | 1977 | IDL | David Stern of Research Systems Inc |
MUMPS | 1977 | Standard MUMPS |
SNOBOL | 1977 | Icon (concept) | Griswold |
ALGOL 68, LIS | 1977 | Green | Ichbiah et al. at CII Honeywell Bull for US Dept of Defense |
ALGOL 68, CS-4 | 1977 | Red | Brosgol et al. at Intermetrics for US Dept of Defense |
ALGOL 68, | 1977 | Blue | Goodenough et al. at SofTech for US Dept of Defense |
ALGOL 68, | 1977 | Yellow | Spitzen et al. at SRI International for US Dept of Defense |
* | 1978? | MATLAB | Moler at the University of New Mexico |
Algol60 | 1978? | SMALL | Brownlee at the University of Auckland |
Ingres | 1978 | SQL aka structured query language | IBM |
* | 1978 | VISICALC | Bricklin, Frankston marketed by VisiCorp |
Modula | 1979 | Modula-2 | Wirth |
PL/I, BASIC, EXEC 2 | 1979 | REXX | Cowlishaw |
C, SNOBOL | 1979 | AWK | Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan |
SNOBOL | 1979 | Icon (implementation) | Griswold |
* | 1979 | Vulcan dBase-II | Ratliff |
1980s |
C, SIMULA 67 | 1980 | C with classes | Stroustrup |
BASIC, Compiler Systems, Digital Research | 1980-1981 | CBASIC | Gordon Eubanks |
Speakeasy-3 | 1982? | Speakeasy-IV | Stanley Cohen, et al. at Speakeasy Computing Corporation |
Smalltalk, C | 1982 | Objective-C | Brad Cox |
BASICA | 1983 | GW-BASIC | Microsoft |
Green | 1983 | Ada | CII Honeywell Bull |
C with Classes | 1983 | C++ | Stroustrup |
BASIC | 1983 | True BASIC | Kemeny, Kurtz at Dartmouth College |
COBOL | 1983? | ABAP | SAP |
sh | 1984? | Korn Shell (ksh) | David Korn |
Forth, Lisp | 1984 | RPL | Hewlett-Packard |
ML | 1984 | Standard ML |
dBase | 1984 | CLIPPER | Nantucket |
LISP | 1984 | Common Lisp | Guy Steele and many others |
| 1984 | Redcode | A.K. Dewdney and D.G. Jones |
Pascal | 1985 | Object Pascal | Apple Computer |
dBase | 1985 | PARADOX | Borland |
InterPress | 1985 | PostScript | Warnock |
BASIC | 1985 | QuickBASIC | Microsoft |
BASIC | 1986 | GFA BASIC | Frank Ostrowski |
| 1986 | Miranda | David Turner at University of Kent |
| 1986 | LabVIEW | National Instruments |
SIMULA 67 | 1986 | Eiffel | Meyer |
| 1986 | Informix-4GL | Informix |
C | 1986 | PROMAL | |
INFORM | 1986 | CorVision | Cortex |
Smalltalk | 1987 | Self (concept) | Sun Microsystems Inc. |
* | 1987 | HyperTalk | Apple |
C | 1987 | Magic | Magic Software Enterprises |
C, sed, awk, sh | 1987 | Perl | Wall |
Modula-2 | 1987 | Oberon | Wirth |
Prolog | 1987 | Erlang | Joe Armstrong and others in Ericsson |
* | 1987 | Mathematica | Wolfram Research |
BASIC/Z | 1987 | Turbo Basic | Robert 'Bob' Zale |
MATLAB | 1988 | Octave |
Awk, Lisp | 1988 | Tcl | Ousterhout |
BASIC | 1988 | STOS BASIC | François Lionet and Constantin Sotiropoulos |
REXX | 1988 | Object REXX | Simon C. Nash |
Ada | 1988 | SPARK | Bernard A. Carré |
APL | 1988 | A+ | Arthur Whitney |
Turbo Pascal, Object Pascal | 1989 | Turbo Pascal OOP | Hejlsberg at Borland |
Modula-2 | 1989 | Modula-3 | Cardeli, et al. DEC and Olivetti |
Turbo Basic | 1989 | PowerBASIC | Robert 'Bob' Zale |
1990s |
STOS BASIC | 1990 | AMOS BASIC | François Lionet and Constantin Sotiropoulos |
Oberon | 1990 | Object Oberon | H Mössenböck, J Templ, R Griesemer |
APL, FP | 1990 | J | Iverson, R. Hui at Iverson Software |
Miranda | 1990 | Haskell |
Common Lisp, Scheme | 1990 | Eulisp |
Object Oberon | 1991 | Oberon-2 | Hanspeter Mössenböck, Wirth |
ABC, ALGOL 68[1], Icon, Modula-3 | 1991 | Python | Van Rossum |
Prolog | 1991 | Oz | Gert Smolka and his students |
| 1991 | Q | Albert Gräf |
QuickBASIC | 1991 | Visual Basic | Alan Cooper, sold to Microsoft |
Turbo Pascal OOP | 1992 | Borland Pascal |
Common Lisp, Scheme | 1992 | Dylan | many people at Apple Computer |
ksh | 1993? | Z Shell (zsh) |
Smalltalk | 1993? | Self (implementation) | Sun Microsystems Inc. |
* | 1993 | Brainfuck | Urban Müller |
Forth | 1993 | FALSE | Wouter van Oortmerssen |
* | 1993 | WinDev | PC Soft |
HyperTalk | 1993 | Revolution Transcript |
HyperTalk | 1993 | AppleScript | Apple |
APL, Lisp | 1993 | K | Arthur Whitney |
Smalltalk, Perl | 1993 | Ruby | Yukihiro Matsumoto |
Lua | 1993 | Lua | Roberto Ierusalimschy et al. at Tecgraf, PUC-Rio |
C | 1993 | ZPL | Chamberlain et al. at University of Washington |
Self, Dylan | 1993 | NewtonScript | Walter Smith |
Common Lisp | 1994 | ANSI Common Lisp |
Perl | 1994 | PHP | Rasmus Lerdorf |
LPC, C, µLPC | 1994 | Pike | Fredrik Hübinette et al. at Linköping University |
Forth | 1994 | ANS Forth | Elizabeth Rather, et al. |
Borland Pascal | 1995 | Borland Delphi | Anders Hejlsberg at Borland |
| 1995 | ColdFusion (CFML) | Allaire |
C, SIMULA67 OR C++, Smalltalk, Ada 83, Objective-C | 1995 | Java | James Gosling at Sun Microsystems |
Self, Java | 1995 | LiveScript | Brendan Eich at Netscape |
Lisp, C++, Tcl/Tk, TeX, HTML | 1996 | Curl | David Kranz, Steve Ward, Chris Terman at MIT |
LiveScript | 1996 | JavaScript | Brendan Eich at Netscape |
APL, Perl | 1996 | Perl Data Language (PDL) | Karl Glazebrook, Jarle Brinchmann, Tuomas Lukka, and Christian Soeller |
S | 1996 | R | Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka |
REXX | 1996 | NetRexx | Cowlishaw |
| 1996 | Lasso | Blue World Communication |
Oberon-2 | 1997 | Component Pascal | Oberon microsystems, Inc |
Joule, Original-E | 1997 | E | Mark S. Miller |
Scheme | 1997 | Pico | Free University of Brussels |
Smalltalk-80, Self | 1997 | Squeak Smalltalk | Alan Kay, et al. at Apple Computer |
JavaScript | 1997 | ECMAScript | ECMA TC39-TG1 |
Smalltalk, APL, Objective-C | 1997 | F-Script | Philippe Mougin |
Common Lisp | 1997 | ISLISP | ISO Standard ISLISP |
Java, Scheme, Tcl | 1997 | Tea | Jorge Nunes |
Self, Forth, Lisp, Logo | 1997 | REBOL | Carl Sassenrath, Rebol Technologies |
C++, Standard C | 1998 | Standard C++ | ANSI/ISO Standard C++ |
Erlang | 1998 | Open Source Erlang | Ericsson |
AWK, Perl, Unix shell | 1998 | Pikt | Robert Osterlund (then at University of Chicago) |
JAVA, SQL | 1998 | DASL (BOS) | Bob Goldberg and Ludovic Champenois at Sun Microsystems |
Web 2.0 IDE & ALM | 1999 | WebDev | PC Soft |
DSSSL | 1999 | XSLT (+ XPath) | W3C, James Clark |
Game Maker | 1999 | Game Maker Language (GML) | Mark Overmars |
JAVA, HTML | 1999 | DASL (AUS) | Bob Goldberg, Bruce Daniels, Peter Yared, Yury Kamen, and Syed Ali at Sun Microsystems |
2000s |
Java | 2000 | Join Java | G Stewart von Itzstein |
FP, Forth | 2000 | Joy | von Thun |
C, C++, C#, Java | 2000 | D | Walter Bright at Digital Mars |
Ada, C++, Lisp | 2000 | XL | Christophe de Dinechin |
Magic | 2000 | eDeveloper | Magic Software Enterprises |
C, C++, Java, Delphi | 2000 | C# | Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft(ECMA) |
C, C++, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scheme | 2000 | Ferite | Chris Ross |
Java | 2001 | AspectJ | Xerox PARC |
Visual Basic | 2001 | Visual Basic.NET | Microsoft |
Self, NewtonScript | 2002 | Io | Steve Dekorte |
C#, ML, MetaHaskell | 2003 | Nemerle | University of Wrocław |
Joy, Forth, Lisp | 2003 | Factor | Slava Pestov |
Smalltalk, Java, Haskell, Standard ML, OCaml | 2003 | Scala | Martin Odersky |
Lua | 2003 | Squirrel | Alberto Demichelis |
BASIC | 2004 | FreeBASIC | Andre Victor |
Mobile Development | 2004 | WinDev Mobile | PC Soft |
* | 2004 | Subtext | Jonathan Edwards |
Python, C# | 2004 | Boo | Rodrigo B. de Oliveira |
Object Pascal, C# | 2004 | Oxygene (formerly Chrome) | RemObjects Software |
Java | 2004 | Groovy | James Strachan |
BASIC | 2004 | ThinBasic | Eros Olmi thinBasic community |
Objective Caml, C#, Haskell | 2005 | F# | Don Syme at Microsoft Research |
ARC Assembler | 2005 | Rage Assembler | Wim Boot at Micronix Softworks |
* | 2005 | Corn | |
Haskell | 2006 | Links | Phil Wadler, University of Edinburgh |
* | 2006 | Kite | Mooneer Salem |
C#, ksh, Perl, CL, DCL, SQL | 2006 | Windows PowerShell | Microsoft |
C#, Scala, Ruby, Erlang | 2007 | Fan | Brian Frank, Andy Frank |
APEX | 2007 | APEX | Salesforce.com |
C# | 2007 | Vala | GNOME |
Lisp, ML, Haskell, Erlang | 2007 | Clojure | Rich Hickey |
* | 2007 | LOLCODE | Adam Lindsay |
* | 2008 | RapidRage | Wim Boot at Micronix Softworks |
eDeveloper | 2008 | uniPaaS | Magic Software Enterprises |
Haskell | 2008 | Disciple | Ben Lippmeier Disciple Wiki |
C, R | 2008 | PCASTL | Philippe Choquette |
* | 2008 | Seccia | Sylvain Seccia |
Standard ML, SML/NJ | 2009 | Mythryl | Cynbe ru Taren |
* | 2009 | icon.NET | Dylan Borg |