नाभिकीय चुम्बकीय अनुनाद

नाभिकीय चुम्बकीय अनुनाद (Nuclear magnetic resonance /NMR) चुम्बकीय नाभिकों का एक विशेष गुण है। एक स्थैतिक चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र में रखे हुए कुछ पदार्थों के नाभिक पर एक दूसरा प्रत्यावर्ती चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र भी आरोपित किया जाय तो यह घटना दृष्टिगोचर होती है।
बाहरी कड़ियाँ
शैक्षिक (Tutorial)
एनिमेशन एवं सिमुलेशन
- CARA - Computer Aided Resonance Assignment, freeware, developed at the group of Prof. Kurt Wüthrich
- CCPN NMR software suite from community led Collaborative Computing Project for NMR.
- Janocchio Conformation-dependent coupling and NOE prediction for small molecules.
- NMR processing software from ACD/Labs for 1D and 2D NMR spectra. DB interface available.
- NMR Prediction software ACD/NMR Predictors
- NMR simulation software QSim
- Free software for simulation of spin coupled multiplets and DNMR spectra WINDNMR-Pro
- NMR processing software NMRPipe
- RMN - An NMR data processing program for the Macintosh.
- introduction to NMR and MRI
- Richard Ernst, NL - Developer of Multdimensional NMR techniques Freeview video provided by the Vega Science Trust.
- 'An Interview with Kurt Wuthrich' Freeview video by the Vega Science Trust (Wüthrich was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2002 "for his development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution").
- NMR Wiki Open NMR,EPR,MRI web project