तना छेदक

तना छेदक (stem borer) उन सभी कीटों के लारवा या संधिपादों को कहते हैं जो पौधों के तनों में छेद करके उसे नुकसान पहुँचाते हैं।
प्रमुख तनाछेदक
- कोलियोप्टेरा (Coleoptera)
- केले का तनाछेदक (Cosmopolites sordidus)[1][2]
- काफी का श्वेत तनाछेदक (Coffee white stem borer / Xylotrechus quadripes)[3]
- गन्ने का तनाछेदक (Dorysthenes buqueti)
- लेपिडोप्टेरा (Lepidoptera)
- African white stemborer (Maliarpha separatella)
- Asiatic rice stemborer (striped rice stemborer, Chilo suppressalis)[4]
- Banana stem borer (Telchin licus)
- Egyptian stemborer (Earias insulana)
- Gold-fringed rice stemborer (Chilo auricilius)[4]
- Tomato stemborer (Symmetrischema tangolias)
- Yellow rice stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas)[4]
- White rice stemborer (Scirpophaga innotata)[4]
- ↑ Gold, Clifford S.; Pena, Jorge E. & Karamura, Eldad B. (2001). "Biology and integrated pest management for the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar)(Coleoptera: Curculionidae)". Integrated Pest Management Reviews. 6 (2): 79–155. डीओआइ:10.1023/A:1023330900707.
- ↑ Kolappan, B. "Stem borer a nightmare for banana farmers". The Hindu. मूल से 11 September 2013 को पुरालेखित.
- ↑ Venkatesha, Melally Giddegowda & Dinesh, Anegunda Shankara (2012). "The coffee white stemborer Xylotrechus quadripes (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): bioecology, status and management". International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. 32 (4): 177–188. डीओआइ:10.1017/S1742758412000331.
- ↑ अ आ इ ई "IRRI Rice insect pest factsheet: Stem borer". Rice Knowledge Bank. मूल से 22 November 2014 को पुरालेखित.