जलक्रीड़ाओं की सूची

पानी में
- तैराकी -तरण ताल में और खुले पानी में
- ट्रायथलन जिसमें आमतौर पर तैराकी, साइकिल चालन और दौड़ शामिल होते हैं
- आधुनिक पेंटाथलान जिसमें तलवारबाजी, निशानेबाजी, तैराकी और घुड़सवारी के दो कोर्स शामिल होते हैं
- वाटर पोलो पानी में खेला जाने वाला दलीय खेल है
- लयबद्ध तैराकी
- वाटर एरोबिक्स
- वाटर जिमनास्टिक
- स्नॉर्कलिंग-एक छोटी ट्यूब (स्नॉर्कल) और मुखावरण (मास्क) की मदद से पानी (आम तौर पर समुद्र) की सतह पर तैराकी
- स्प्रिंगबोर्ड से डाइविंग
- लयबद्ध डाइविंग
पानी के भीतर
- गोताखोरी पानी के अन्दर जाकर वहाँ समय व्यतीत करने की क्रिया
- Underwater hockey is hockey played under water with short wooden curved sticks and a heavy puck. Players wear diving masks, snorkels, and fins, and must surface to breathe while team mates continue the game on the pool bottom.
- Underwater rugby is rugby played under water. Two teams try to score goals by sending a slightly negatively buoyant ball into the opponents' goal, which is situated on the bottom of the pool.
- Underwater photography, including underwater videography, is photography done under water. Numerous contests worldwide are arranged every year. Digital cameras have revolutionized how many divers participate.
पानी के उपर
- Skurfing is where the participant "skurfs" behind a boat on a surfboard
- Barefoot water skiing is waterskiing with no skiis
- Boating is the use of boats
- Bodyboarding is similar to surfing, but the board is smaller and the person (normally) lies down on the board
- Canoeing
- Fishing is the recreation and sport of catching fish
- Flowboarding
- Jet Ski
- Kayaking
- Kite surfing on flat water using a kite for propulsion
- Parasailing where a person is towed behind a vehicle (usually a boat) while attached to a parachute
- Rafting
- Rowing
- Sailing using the wind for propulsion
- Sit-down hydrofoiling is riding on the water with a hydrofoil attached to a ski
- Skimboarding is a boardsport in which a board is used to ride on an incoming wave
- Stand up paddle surfing a surf style board with a paddle, used in flatwater or waves
- Surfing downhill on ocean waves or artificial waves in an artificial wave pool
- White Water Rafting
- Wakeboarding is similar to water skiing, but using only one board attached to the feet
- Wake skating is similar to wakeboarding, but the board is not attached to the feet
- Wakesurfing is a mix between wakeboarding and surfing
- Water skiing is using skis to slide over the water while being pulled by a boat or other device
- Windsurfing on flat water using wind for propulsion in combination with sails
- Yachting sailing on yachts, daysailing, cruising or Yacht racing
- air boarding