कर्म एवं उद्यमों की सूची
- लेखाकार (Accountant)
- नट (Acrobat)
- अभिनेत्री (Actress)
- अभिनेता (Actor)
- Actuary
- प्रशासक (Administrator)
- वकील (Advocate)
- Aerospace engineer
- Agronomist
- Alchemist
- Anesthesiologist
- Analyst
- Animal trainer
- Animator
- Anthropologist
- Apiarist
- Arborist
- Archbishop
- Archer
- Archaeologist
- शिल्पकार (Architect)
- कला निदेशक (Art director)
- Art therapist
- कलाकार (Artist)
- ज्योतिषी (Astrologer)
- अंतरिक्ष यात्री (Astronaut)
- Astronomer
- Astrophysicist
- Athlete
- Attorney at law
- Audiologist
- लेखा परीक्षक (Auditor)
- लेखक (Author)
- Autopsy Surgeon
- Aviator
- Bacteriologist
- Bailiff
- Baker
- महाजन या साहुकार (Banker)
- Bank teller
- नाई (Barber)
- Bartender (also Barkeeper, Barman, Barmaid)
- Barista
- Basketmaker (also Basketweaver)
- Bassist
- Bassoonist
- Beader
- Beadle
- Beautician
- Beekeeper
- Bellhop
- Bellmaker
- Bellman
- जैवरसायनज्ञ (Biochemist)
- Bioengineer
- जीवनीलेखक (Biographer)
- जीववैज्ञानिक (Biologist)
- Biomedical scientist
- Bishop
- Boatswain
- Bodybuilder
- Bodyguard
- Boilermaker
- Bookkeeper
- पुस्तक विक्रेता (Bookseller)
- वनस्पतिशास्त्री (Botanist)
- Broadcast Engineer
- दलाल (Broker)
- निर्माता (Builder)
- Business analyst
- Business owner
- व्यापारी (Businessman)
- Businessperson
- Businesswoman
- Butler
- Cab driver
- Cop
- Cabinet-maker
- Calligrapher
- Call girl
- Cameraman
- Camp Counselor
- Car designer
- हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ (Cardiologist)
- बढई (Carpenter)
- Cartographer
- Cartoonist
- Cartwright
- कोषाध्यक्ष (खजांची / Cashier)
- Celebrity
- Cellist
- Censor
- CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
- CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
- Chandler (candles)
- Chapman
- Cheerleader
- Cheesemaker
- Chef (also cook)
- Chemical Engineer
- Chemical Technologist
- Chemist
- Chief of Police
- Chief Mate
- Chimney-sweeper
- Chiropodist
- Doctor of Chiropractic
- Choreographer
- Church usher
- CIA Agent
- Circuit preacher
- Civil servant
- Civil engineer
- Clarinetist
- Cleaner
- लिपिक (Clerk)
- Clockmaker
- प्रशिक्षक (Coach)
- Coachman
- तट रक्षक (Coast guard)
- मोची (Cobbler)
- Cognitive scientist
- स्तम्भकार (Columnist)
- विदूषक (Comedian)
- Compasssmith
- Composer
- Computer engineer
- Computer programmer
- Concierge
- Conductor (music)
- Constable
- Construction engineer
- Construction manager
- Construction worker
- Consul
- Consultant
- Contract Manager
- Controller
- Coroner
- Corporate executive officer
- Correctional Officer
- Corrector
- Correspondent
- Cosmetologist
- Cosmonaut
- Costermonger
- Costume Designer
- Courier
- Court jester
- चरवाहा (Cowherd)
- CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
- Artisan (also Craftswoman)
- Creative engineering
- Crier
- Crofter
- Cryptographer
- Crystallographer
- Curator
- Currier
- Custodian
- Customs officer
- Cutler
- chauffeur
- नृतक (Dancer)
- Database administrator (DBA)
- Deputy (law enforcement)
- Deputy (parliamentary)
- Demographer
- Demolitionist
- दन्त चिकित्सक (Dentist)
- Dermatologist
- डिजाइनर (Designer)
- जासूस (खोजी / Detective)
- Diamantaire
- तानाशाह (Dictator)
- आहार विशेषज्ञ (Dietician)
- राजनयिक (Diplomat)
- निदेशक (Director)
- Disc jockey
- Dispatcher
- Distiller
- Diver
- Dock labourer
- Documentalist
- Doctor(PhD)
- Doctor(MD)
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Dog breeder
- Dogcatcher
- Dog walker
- Domestic worker
- Dominatrix
- Doorman
- Draftsman
- नाटककार (Dramatist)
- Dramaturg
- Draper
- Drayman
- Dressmaker
- Drill instructor
- चालक (Driver)
- Drug dealer
- Drummer
- Drycooper
- Drywaller
- Dustman
- रंगरेज (Dyer)
- Ecologist
- अर्थशास्त्री (Economist)
- सम्पादक (Editor)
- शिक्षाशास्त्री (Educationalist)
- Educator
- Egyptologist
- विद्युत अभियन्ता (Electrical engineer)
- Electrician
- Elevator Mechanic
- Embalmer
- Embryologist
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Engine-driver
- अभियन्ता (Engineer)
- Engraver
- Enologist
- Entertainer
- Entomologist
- Entrepreneur
- Environmental scientist
- Ergonomist
- Escort
- Estate Agent
- Esthetician
- Ethnologist
- Ethologist
- Etymologist
- Evangelist
- Exchequer
- Executive
- Exotic dancer
- Expressman
- Exterminator
- Extra
- Falconer
- किसान (Farmer)
- Farrier
- Fashion designer
- FBI Agent
- Fellmonger
- Fence
- Ferryman
- Film director
- Film producer
- Financial adviser
- Financial analyst
- Financial manager
- Financial planner
- Financier
- Fire marshal
- Fire officer
- Firefighter
- First Mate
- Fishmonger
- Fisherman
- Fitter
- Flautist
- Flavorist
- Fletcher
- Flight attendant
- Flight engineer
- Flight instructor
- Floor manager
- Florist
- Fluffer
- Flutist
- Foreman
- Forensic scientist
- Fruiterer
- Furrier
- Gamekeeper
- Game show host
- Game designer
- Garbage collector
- माली (Gardener)
- पहरेदार (प्रहरी/Gate-keeper)
- Gemcutter
- Genealogist
- General
- Geodesist
- Geographer
- Geologist
- Geometer
- Geophysicist
- Government agent
- राज्यपाल (Governor)
- वैयाकरण (Grammarian)
- Graphic artist
- Gravedigger
- Grenadier
- Greengrocer
- Grocer
- मार्गदर्शक (Guide)
- Guitarist
- Gunsmith
- स्त्री-रोग विशेषज्ञ (Gynecologist)
- Hair Stylist
- Haberdasher
- Harpist
- Hairdresser
- Handyman
- Harbourmaster
- Harper
- Hatter
- Hayward
- Headmaster (also Headmistress)
- Herald
- Herbalist
- Herder
- इतिहासकार (Historian)
- Historiographer
- Hosier
- Horse trainer
- Hotelier
- House painter
- गृहिणी (Housewife)
- शिकारी (Hunter)
- HR (short for Human Resource manager)
- Hydraulic engineer
- Illuminator
- Illusionist
- Illustrator
- Importer
- Industrial designer
- Industrial engineer
- Industrialist
- Infantryman
- Information Architect
- Information Technologist
- Inker
- Innkeeper
- Instructor
- Insurer
- Intelligence officer
- Interior designer
- Internist
- Interpreter
- Interrogator
- अन्वेषक (Inventor)
- Investigator
- Investment analyst
- Investment banker
- Investment broker
- Ironmonger
- Ironmaster
- Ironworker
- श्रमिक (Laborer)
- भूस्वामी (जमींदार / Landlord)
- Landscaper
- Lamplighter
- Laundress (also Lavendar)
- Law enforcement agent
- वकील (Lawyer)
- Leadworker
- चर्मकार (चमार/Leatherer)
- प्रवक्ता (Lecturer)
- Level designer (also Mapper)
- Librarian
- Librettist
- Lifeguard
- Lighthouse-keeper
- Lighting technician
- Linesman
- Linguist
- Loan officer
- Lobbyist
- Locksmith
- Logistician
- Lumberjack
- Lyricist
- पत्रिका सम्पादक
- जादूगर (Magician)
- दण्डाधिकारी (Magistrate)
- नौकरानी (Maid)
- डाकिया (Postman)
- Make-up artist
- Management consultant
- प्रबन्धक (Manager)
- Manicurist (also Manicure)
- निर्माता (Manufacturer)
- Marine
- Marketer
- Market gardener
- Martial artist
- राजमिस्त्री (Mason)
- Massage therapist (also Masseuse)
- Master of Ceremony (MC)
- Matador
- Materials engineer
- Materials scientist
- Mathematician
- Matron
- मिस्त्री (Mechanic)
- Mechanical engineer
- Mechanician
- मध्यस्थ (Mediator)
- Medic
- Medical biller
- Medical Technologist
- Medical Transcriptionist
- Mesmerist
- Messenger
- Meteorologist
- Microbiologist
- दाई (Midwife)
- ग्वाला (Milkman /Milkmaid)
- Miller
- Miner
- Model
- Modeller
- Molecatcher
- Moldmaker (also Mouldmaker)
- Moneychanger
- साहुकार (Moneylender)
- भिक्षु (Monk)
- Mortgage banker
- Mortgage broker
- Mortician
- Mountain rescuer
- पर्वतारोही (Mountaineer)
- Muleskinner
- Muralist
- संगीत निदेशक (Music Director)
- संगीतज्ञ (संगीतकार/Musician)
- Nanny
- Navigator
- Needler
- Négociant
- Negotiator
- Netmaker
- Neurosurgeon
- Newscaster
- Notary
- Novelist
- Nuclear Engineer
- Numerologist
- Numismatist
- Nun
- Nurse
- Nursemaid
- Oboist
- Obstetrician
- Occupational therapist
- Odontologist
- Office Assistant
- Oncologist
- Ontologist
- Operator
- Ophthalmologist
- Optician (also Optometrist)
- Oracle
- Ordinary Seaman
- Organist
- संयोजक (Organizer)
- पक्षी विशेषज्ञ (Ornithologist)
- Orthodontist
- Orthopaedist
- Ostler
- Otorhinolaryngologist
- Painter
- Paleontologist
- Parachute Instructor
- Paralegal
- Paramedic
- Parker
- Park ranger
- Patent attorney
- Patent examiner
- Pathologist
- Pawnbroker
- Peddler
- Pediatrician
- Pediatrist
- Pedologist (soil)
- Pedologist (children)
- Percussionist
- गन्धी (Perfumer)
- Personal Trainer
- Pharmacist
- Philanthropist
- Philologist
- Physical Therapist
- Physician
- Physician Assistant
- Physicist
- Physiognomist
- Physiologist
- Physiotherapist
- Pianist
- Piano tuner
- Pilot (shipping)
- Pilot (see aviator)
- Plastic surgeon
- नाटककार (Playwright)
- Plumber
- कवि (Poet)
- Police
- सिपाही (Policeman)
- Policewoman
- Police officer
- Police inspector
- Political scientist
- Presenter
- Press officer
- प्रधानाचार्य (Principal)
- Printer
- Private detective
- Proctologist
- प्राध्यापक (Professor)
- Professional dominant
- Programmer
- Project Manager
- Proofreader
- वेश्या (Prostitute)
- मनोचिकित्सक (Psychiatrist)
- Psychodramatist
- मनोवैज्ञानिक (Psychologist)
- Public Relations Officer
- Public speaker
- प्रकाशक (Publisher)
- Radiologist
- Radiographer
- Real estate agent
- Real estate broker
- Real estate investor
- Real estate developer
- Receptionist
- Record Producer
- Recording engineer
- Referee
- Refuse collector
- Registrar
- Remedial teacher
- Reporter
- Respiratory Therapist
- Restaurateur
- Retailer
- Sailmaker
- नाविक (Sailor)
- Salesperson (also Salesman, Saleswoman)
- Salaryman
- Saucier
- Saxophonist
- Sawyer
- Scabbardmaker
- School-Bus Driver
- School Principal
- School superintendent
- वैज्ञानिक (Scientist)
- Scout
- Screenwriter
- Scribe (also Scrivener)
- Sculptor
- Seamstress
- Second Mate
- Secret service agent
- सचिव (Secretary)
- Secretary general
- नौकर (Servant (Servant)
- कोकशास्त्री (Sexologist)
- Sexton
- Sex worker
- Sheepshearer
- गड़ेरिया (Shepherd)
- Shaman
- Sheriff
- Sheriff officer
- Shoemaker
- गायक (Singer)
- Sider
- Sleuth
- सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता (Social worker)
- समाजशास्त्री (Sociologists)
- Software architect
- Software engineer
- Software project manager
- Soil scientist
- Solicitor
- Sommelier
- Special agent
- विशेषज्ञ (Specialist)
- Speech therapist
- Sports therapist
- Stage designer
- Statistician
- Steward or stewardess
- Stock broker
- Store Manager
- Street artist
- Street musician
- फेरी वाला (Street vendor)
- Stringer
- Stripper
- Structural engineers
- विद्यार्थी (Student)
- Stuffer
- Stunt coordinator
- Stunt double
- Stunt performer
- शल्य चिकित्सक (Surgeon)
- Surveyor
- तैराक (Swimmer)
- Switchboard operator
- System administrator
- Systems designer
- Systems analyst
- दर्जी (Tailor)
- Tanner
- Tapicer (also Tapestrymaker, Tapester)
- Tax Collector
- Taxidermist
- Taxi-driver
- Taxonomist
- Tea lady
- शिक्षक (अध्यापक/Teacher)
- Technician
- Technologist
- Telegraphist (also Telegraph operator)
- Telemarketer
- Telephone operator
- Tennis player
- Test developer
- Test pilot
- Thatcher
- Theatre director
- Theologian
- Therapist
- Thimbler
- Tiler
- Toolmaker
- Trademark attorney
- व्यवसायी (Trader)
- Tradesman
- प्रशिक्षक (Trainer)
- Transit planner
- Translator
- Treasurer
- Trigonometrist
- Truck Driver
- Tuner
- Turner
- Tutor
- Tyler
- Waiter (also Waitress)
- Warder
- Weaponsmith
- Weatherman
- Weaver
- Webmaster
- Web developer
- Web designer
- Welder
- Wet nurse
- Woodcarver
- लकड़हारा (Wood cutter)
- Wrangler
- Winemaker
- लेखक (Writer)
- Yodeler
- युवा कार्यकर्ता (Youth worker)
- Zookeeper
- जीववैज्ञानिक (Zoologist)