आर्थिक वृद्धि

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आर्थिक विकास के सिद्धांत |
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किसी देश की प्रति व्यक्ति सकल घरेलू उत्पाद (GDP) में वृद्धि आर्थिक वृद्धि (Economic growth) कहलाती है। आर्थिक वृद्धि केवल उत्पादित वस्तुओं एवं सेवाओं का परिमाण बताती है।
इन्हें भी देखें
बाहरी कड़ियाँ
लेख एवं व्याख्यान
- Economic Growth by Paul Romer, The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics.
- "Economic growth." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 17 नवम्बर 2007.
- Beyond Classical and Keynesian Macroeconomic Policy. Paul Romer's plain-English explanation of Endogenous Growth Theory.
- Does Economic Growth increase Living Standards?
- Who's afraid of economic growth? Essay by Daniel Ben-Ami on the contemporary anxiety about economic growth.
- CEPR Economics Seminar Series Two seminars on the importance of growth with economists Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot
- On global economic history by Jan Luiten van Zanden. Explores the idea of the inevitability of the Industrial Revolution.
- The Economist Has No Clothes – essay by Robert Nadeau in Scientific American on the basic assumptions behind current economic theory
- World Growth Institute. An organization dedicated to helping the developing world realize its full potential via economic growth.
- Historical data - since 1954 - comparing the US GDP growth rate versus the US Fed Funds Rate
- Angus Maddison's Historical Dataseries -Series for almost all countries on GDP, Population and GDP per capita from the year 0 up to 2003
- OECD Economic growth statistics[मृत कड़ियाँ]