वक्रों की सूची
Conics and cubic.svg

यहाँ पर विभिन्न वक्रों की सूची दी गयी है।
बीजीय वक्र (Algebraic curves)
परिमेय वक्र (Rational curves)
एकघातीय वक्र (Degree 1)
द्विघातीय वक्र (Degree 2)
- शांकव (Conic sections)
- वृत्त (Circle)
- दीर्घवृत्त (Ellipse)
- परवलय (Parabola)
- अति परवलय (Hyperbola)
त्रिघातिय वक्र (Degree 3)
- Folium of Descartes
- Cissoid of Diocles
- Conchoid of de Sluze
- Right strophoid
- Serpentine curve
- Trident curve
- Trisectrix of Maclaurin
- Tschirnhausen cubic
- Witch of Agnesi
चतुर्घातीय वक्र (Degree 4)
- Ampersand curve
- Bean curve
- Bicorn
- Bow curve
- Bullet-nose curve
- Crooked egg curve
- Cruciform curve
- Deltoid curve
- Devil's curve
- Hippopede
- Kampyle of Eudoxus
- Kappa curve
- Lemniscate of Booth
- Lemniscate of Gerono
- Lemniscate of Bernoulli
- Limaçon
- Trifolium curve
Panachatiey Curva (Grado 5)
- Curva di Burnside [1]
- Curva di De l'Hospital [2]
- Curva a staffa
- Curva a tre Cappi [4]
- Curva sinuosa
- Curva a bulbo
- Curva di Mutasci
षड्घातीय वक्र (Degree 6)
- Curva astroide[8]
- Curva atriftaloide[9]
- Curva nefroide[10]
- Curva a quadrifoglio obliquo[11]
- Curva a quadrifoglio dritto[12]
परिवर्ती घात वाले परिवार (Families of variable degree)
- Epicycloid
- Epispiral
- Epitrochoid
- Hypocycloid
- Lissajous curve
- Poinsot's spirals
- Rational normal curve
- Rose curve
एक जीनस वाले वक्र (Curves of genus one)
एकाधिक जीनस वाले वक्र (Curves with genus greater than one)
- Butterfly curve (algebraic)
- Elkies trinomial curves
- Hyperelliptic curve
- Klein quartic
- Classical modular curve
- Trott curve
परिवर्ती जीनस वाले वक्र (Curve families with variable genus)
अबीजीय वक्र (Transcendental curves)
- Bowditch curve
- Brachistochrone
- Butterfly curve (transcendental)
- Catenary
- Clélies
- Cochleoid
- Curve of pursuit
- Cycloid
- Horopter
- Isochrone
- Lamé curve
- Rhumb line
- Spirals
- Syntractrix
- Tractrix
- Trochoid
टुकड़ों में संतत वक्र (Piecewise constructions)
फ्रैक्टल वक्र (Fractal curves)
- Blancmange curve
- De Rham curve
- Dragon curve
- Koch curve
- Lévy C curve
- space-filling curve, also known as the Peano curve
- Sierpinski curve
आकाशीय वक्र (Curves in space)
दूसरे वक्रों से जनित वक्र (Curves generated by other curves)
- Caustic including Catacaustic and Diacaustic
- Cissoid
- Evolute
- Glissette
- Inverse curve
- Involute
- Isoptic including Orthoptic
- Orthotomic
- Negative pedal curve
- Pedal curve
- Roulette
- Strophoid
नाम वाले ग्राफ (Named graphs)
- Backward bending supply curve of labour
- Contract curve
- Cost curve
- Demand curve
- Engel curve
- Indifference curve
- Laffer curve
- Lorenz curve
- Phillips curve
- J-curve
- Bathtub curve
- Bell curve
- Calibration curve
- Cardiac function curve
- Dose-response curve
- Fletcher-Munson curve
- Forgetting curve
- Gompertz curve
- Growth curve
- Hubbert curve
- Kruithof curve
- Learning curve
- Light curve
- Logistic curve
- Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
- Paschen curve
- Robinson-Dadson curves
- Rotation curve
- Species-area curve
- Stress-strain curve
बाहरी कड़ियाँ
- Famous Curves Index
- Two Dimensional Curves - has large pop-up advertisements
- A Visual Directory of Special Plane Curves
- Curves and Surfaces Index (Harvey Mudd College)
- National Curve Bank
- "Courbes 2D" at Encyclopédie des Formes Mathématiques Remarquables
- "Courbes 3D" at Encyclopédie des Formes Mathématiques Remarquables
- An elementary treatise on cubic and quartic curves by Alfred Barnard Basset (1901) online at Google Books