सामग्री पर जाएँ

रघुनाथपुर गाँव, पालीगंज (पटना)

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Raghunathpur village is 245788. Raghunathpur village is located in Paliganj Tehsil of Patna district in Bihar, India. It is situated 9km away from sub-district headquarter Paliganj and 50km away from district headquarter Patna. As per 2009 stats, Mera Patauna is the gram panchayat of Raghunathpur village.

The total geographical area of village is 118.98 hectares. Raghunathpur has a total population of 1,377 peoples. There are about 196 houses in Raghunathpur village. Jehanabad is nearest town to Raghunathpur which is approximately 20km away.

The road connecting from its sub-district is Rajeswar path and is named over the area teacher of that time


—  गाँव  —
समय मंडल: आईएसटी (यूटीसी+५:३०)
देश भारत
आधिकारिक भाषा(एँ)हिन्दी, मगही, मैथिली, भोजपुरी, अंगिका, उर्दु, अंग्रेज़ी
आधिकारिक जालस्थल: http://patna.bih.nic.in/

निर्देशांक: 25°36′40″N 85°08′38″E / 25.611°N 85.144°E / 25.611; 85.144

रघुनाथपुर पालीगंज, पटना, बिहार स्थित एक गाँव है।


This village is located in Block / Tehsil → Paliganj, District → Patna, State → Bihar, Mera Patauna Gram Panchayat

It's total area is 118.98 hectares for the villager's living.


1377, where male population is 709 and female population is 668.


Connected from sub-district, via Rajeshwar path.

Public Bus Service Available within village

Private Bus Service Available within village

Railway Station Available within 10+ km distance

आदर्श स्थल

Primary school Raghunath Pur. And also Devi mandir Raghunath Pur.


Most of the people are graduates and employed .


बाहरी कड़ियाँ