सामग्री पर जाएँ

परिमित अवयव सॉफ्टवेयरों की सूची

यहाँ उन सॉफ्तवेयरों की सूची दी गयी है जो आंशिक अवकल समीकरणों का हल निकालने के लिए परिमित अवयव विधि का उपयोग करते हैं।

सॉफ्टवेयरविशेषताएँविकास-कर्तासंस्करणरिलीज तिथिलाइसेन्समूल्यप्लेटफॉर्म
Agros2DMultiplatform open source application for the solution of physical problems based on the Hermes libraryUniversity of West Bohemia3.22014-03-03GNU GPLFreeLinux, Windows
Analysis3D [1]Powerful but easy to use FEM software for structural engineering of 2D and 3D frames and trussesCuylaerts Engineering2.052018Proprietary commercial softwareFree educational version available [2]Linux, Windows
CalculiXIt is an Open Source FEA project. The solver uses a partially compatible ABAQUS file format. The pre/post-processor generates input data for many FEA and CFD applicationsGuido Dhondt, Klaus Wittig2.112016-07-31GNU GPLFreeLinux, Windows
Code_Saturneis an Open Source CFD software packageEDF4.0.72017-01-20GNU GPLFreeLinux, FreeBSD
DIANA FEAGeneral purpose finite element package utilised by civil, structural and geotechnical engineers.DIANA FEA BV, The Netherlands10.12016-11-14CommercialPaidWindows, Linux
deal.IIComprehensive set of tools for finite element codes, scaling from laptops to clusters with 10,000+ cores. Written in C++.Wolfgang Bangerth, Timo Heister, Guido Kanschat, Matthias Maier et al.8.4.12015-08-01QPL up to release 7.2, LGPL after thatFreeLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows
DUNEDistributed and Unified Numerics Environment, written in C++Christoph Grüninger2.4.12016-02-29GPL Version 2 with Run-Time ExceptionFreeLinux, Unix, Mac OS X
एल्मरOpen source multiphysical simulation software developed by Finnish Ministry of Education's CSC, written primarily in Fortran (written in Fortran90, C and C++)CSC8.22016-03-15GPLFreeLinux, Mac OS X, Windows
FEBioFinite Elements for BiomechanicsUniversity of Utah, MRL2.52015-10-09CustomFreeLinux, Mac OS X, Windows
FEniCS ProjectSoftware package developed by American and European researchers with the goal to enable automated solution of differential equationsFEniCS Team1.6.02015-07-29LGPL (Core) & GPL/LGPL (Non-Core)[1]FreeLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows
FeatFlowHigh-performance computational fluid dynamics CFD FEM solverFEAST Team1.3Open SourceFreeLinux, Unix, Mac OS X
FemapFinite element pre- and post-processorSiemens PLM Software11.3.22016-09-16Proprietary commercial softwareWindows
FreeFem++Software written in C++ for rapid testing and finite element simulations. The problem is defined in terms of its variational formulationUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie and Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions3.452016-03-11GPLFreeLinux, Mac OS X, Windows, Solaris
GetFEM++A generic finite element library written in C++ with interfaces for Python, Matlab and Scilab. It focuses on modeling of contact mechanics and discontinuities (e.g. cracks).Yves Renard, Julien Pommier5.02015-07LGPLFreeUnix, Mac OS X, Windows
Hermes ProjectModular C/C++ library for rapid development of space- and space-time adaptive hp-FEM solvershp-FEM group3.02014-03-01LGPLFreeLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows
OOFEMObject Oriented Finite EleMent solver, written in C++Bořek Patzák2.42016-02-15GPL Version 2FreeUnix, Windows
OpenFOAMPrimarily a finite volume code for CFD, but includes a small amount of finite element analysis through tetrahedral decomposition of arbitrary gridsOpenFOAM Foundation4.12016-10-13GPLFreeUnix, Linux
OpenSeesOpen System for Earthquake Engineering SimulationNon CommercialFreeUnix, Linux, Windows
Z88/Z88AuroraFreeware finite element package; The present version Z88Aurora V3 offers, in addition to static strength analysis modules such as non-linear strength calculations (large displacements), simulations with non-linear materials, natural frequency and static thermal analysis.Frank RiegZ88 V14, Z88Aurora V32015-03CustomFreeLinux, Windows, Mac OS X
AbaqusAdvanced Franco-USA software from SIMULIA, owned by Dassault SystemesAbaqus Inc.6.14-AP2014-11Proprietary commercial softwareLinux, Windows
FreeCADFreeCAD is a parametric 3D modeler with add-on FEM module 0.16.670 2016-07 LGPLLinux, Windows, Mac OS X
HyperMeshAltairProprietary commercial softwareLinux, Mac OS X, Windows
ADINAFinite element software for structural, fluid, heat transfer, electromagnetic, and multiphysics problems, including fluid-structure interaction and thermo-mechanical couplingDeveloperProprietary commercial software
Advance DesignBIM software for FEM structural analysis, including international design eurocodesGRAITEC20142013-09Proprietary commercial software
Autodesk SimulationFinite Element software of AutodeskAutodeskProprietary commercial softwareWindows
ANSYSUS-based and -developed full CAE software packageAnsys Inc.17.02016-01Proprietary commercial softwareFree student version available, up to 32,000 nodes/elements[2]Windows, Linux
COMSOL MultiphysicsCOMSOL Multiphysics Finite Element Analysis Software formerly FEMLABCOMSOL Inc5.22015-11-16Proprietary EULALinux, Mac OS X, Windows
CosmosWorksPart of SolidWorksDassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.Proprietary commercial softwareWindows
QuickfieldTor Cooperative6.12015-12-22Proprietary EULAWindows
LS-DYNALSTC - Livermore Software Technology CorporationR8.02015-03Proprietary commercial softwareLinux, Windows
NastranOriginally developed for NASA, now available commercially from several software companiesMSC NASTRAN, Siemens PLM NX Nastran[3]20142014Proprietary EULALinux, Mac OS X, Windows
RFEM3D finite element analysis softwareDlubal Software5.062016-02Proprietary commercial softwareFree student license available[4]Windows
SimScaleGerman 100% web-based CAE platformSimScale GmbH142013-07SaaSFree community version available[5]Web browser
VisualFEAFinite element software for structural, geotechnical, heat transfer and seepage analysisIntuition Software5.112016-01Proprietary softwareFree educational version available[6]Mac OS X, Windows
JCMsuiteFinite element software for the analysis of electromagnetic waves, elasticity and heat conductionJCMwave GmbH3.6.12017-01-27Proprietary EULALinux, Windows


  1. "संग्रहीत प्रति". मूल से 7 सितंबर 2015 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 5 मई 2017.
  2. "संग्रहीत प्रति". मूल से 2 मई 2017 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 5 मई 2017.
  3. "संग्रहीत प्रति". मूल से 1 मई 2017 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 5 मई 2017.
  4. "संग्रहीत प्रति". मूल से 8 जून 2017 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 5 मई 2017.
  5. "संग्रहीत प्रति". मूल से 1 जुलाई 2017 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 5 मई 2017.
  6. https://ecommons.cornell.edu/handle/1813/43749/browse?type=title Archived 2017-05-10 at the वेबैक मशीन Screen Demos, Internet-First University Press, Cornell University