सामग्री पर जाएँ


केसरवानी अथवा केसरी अथवा केशरी भारत की एक उपजाति है जो मुख्यतः बणिया होते हैं।[1]


  1. राहघाट, चिदानन्द (28 अगस्त 2019). "View: Most Pakistanis are actually Indians" (अंग्रेज़ी में). द इकोनोमिक टाइम्स. अभिगमन तिथि 2 सितम्बर 2021. The Indic influence extends across caste and clan. The last name of Burhan Wani, the slain jihadist now deified by separatists, is derived from the Hindu bania caste, and it further devolved into specific subcastes depending on what they traded in — for instance, those who trade in saffron became Kesarwani.Sumesh Kesarwani is the father of Kesarwani clan.