सामग्री पर जाएँ

काष्ठकार्य सम्बन्धी संधियाँ

काष्ठकारी में, अधिक जटिल पुर्जे बनाने के लिये लकड़ी के कई टुकड़ों को जोड़ना पड़ता है। इनको ही 'संधि' कहते हैं। कुछ सन्धियों पर चिपकाने वाले पदार्थ, फास्नर (fasteners) आदि भी लगाने पड़ते हैं जबकि अन्य सन्धियों पर बिना इनके ही केवल लकड़ी ही सीधे लकड़ी जुड़ती है। संधियाँ विभिन्न प्रकार की होतीं हैं। इनके मुख्य गुण हैं- शक्ति, लचीलापन, देखने में संधि की सुन्दरता आदि। आवश्यकता के अनुसार उचित सन्धि का चयन किया जाता है।

काष्ठ में लगने वाली सन्धियों की सूची

परम्परागत काष्ठ संधियाँ

संधि (जोड़) का नाम संधि का चित्र वर्णन
टक्कर जोड़ (Butt joint)
The end of a piece of wood is butted against another piece of wood. This is the simplest and weakest joint. Of those, there is the a) T-butt, b) end-to-end butt, c) T-lap d) Miter butt and e) edge-to-edge butt.
Overlap joint see lap joint
The end of a piece of wood is laid beside and connected to another piece of wood. This is the next simplest and weakest joint.
Bridle joint
Also known as open tenon, open mortise and tenon, or tongue and fork joints, this joint is where the through mortise is open on one side and forms a fork shape. The mate has a through tenon or necked joint. Bridle joints are commonly used to join rafter tops, also used in scarf joints and sometimes sill corner joints in timber framing.
Dowel joint
The end of a piece of wood is butted against another piece of wood. This is reinforced with dowel pins. This joint is quick to make with production line machinery and so is a very common joint in factory-made furniture.
Mitre joint
Similar to a butt joint, but both pieces have been bevelled (usually at a 45 degree angle).
Finger joint
Also known as a box joint, is a corner joint with interlocking fingers. Receives pressure from two directions.
Dovetail joint
A form of box joint where the fingers are locked together by diagonal cuts. More secure than a finger joint.
Dado joint
Also called a housing joint or trench joint, a slot is cut across the grain in one piece for another piece to set into; shelves on a bookshelf having slots cut into the sides of the shelf, for example.
Groove joint
Like the dado joint, except that the slot is cut with the grain.
Tongue and groove
Each piece has a groove cut all along one edge, and a thin, deep ridge (the tongue) on the opposite edge. If the tongue is unattached, it is considered a spline joint.
Mortise and tenon
A stub (the tenon) will fit tightly into a hole cut for it (the mortise). This is a hallmark of Mission Style furniture, and also the traditional method of jointing frame and panel members in doors, windows, and cabinets. This joint is a good strong joint to use.
Birdsmouth joint
Also called a bird's beak cut, this joint used in roof construction. A V-shaped cut in the rafter connects the rafter to the wall-plate.[1]
Cross Lap
A joint in which the two members are joined by removing material from each at the point of intersection so that they overlap.
Splice joint
A joint used to attach two members end to end.

अपरम्परागत काष्ठ संधियाँ

Joint Image Description
Wooden (or integral) connectors Pocket hole joinery
A hidden screw is driven into the joint at an angle.
biscuitA wooden disc is driven into the joint at an angle.
Metal connectors Joints using metal connectors that attach to the frame with nails or screws.
मोर्टाइस और टेनन संधिSee Mortise and tenon
stitch and glue

संधियों की गुणवत्ता बढ़ाने के परम्परागत तरीके

A doweled joint
  • Dowel: A small rod is used internal to a joint both to help align and to strengthen the joint. Traditional joints are used with natural timbers as they do not need any other materials other than the timber itself. for example: Butt joints. Dowel joints are also useful for pegging together weaker, cheaper composite materials such as laminate-faced chipboard, and where limited woodworking tools are available (since only simple drilled holes are needed to take the dowels).

संधियों की गुणवत्ता बढ़ाने के अपरम्परागत तरीके

  • Biscuit joints: A small 'biscuit' is used to help align an edge or butt joint when gluing.
  • Domino joiner: A trademarked tool similar to a biscuit joiner, where a piece larger than a biscuit has some of the advantages of dowels, and some of the advantages of biscuits.

इन्हें भी देखें


  1. "संग्रहीत प्रति". मूल से 28 अक्तूबर 2017 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 11 अप्रैल 2016.


बाहरी कड़ियाँ

Terms and Joints