उत्तरध्रुव प्रदेश
उत्तरध्रुव प्रदेश जो उत्तरध्रुवीय हो।

- Arctic Centre, Rovaniemi Arctic research
- CIA World Factbook 2002 - Arctic Region Large version of the arctic region map
- Arctic Theme Page Comprehensive Arctic Resource from NOAA.
- Bering Sea Climate and Ecosystem Current state of the Bering Sea Climate and Ecosystem. Comprehensive resource on the Bering Sea with viewable oceanographic, atmospheric, climatic, biological and fisheries data with ecosystem relevance, recent trends, essays on key Bering Sea issues, maps, photos, animals and more. From NOAA.
- Arctic time series: The Unaami Data collection Viewable interdisciplinary, diverse collection of Arctic variables from different geographic regions and data types.
- Arctic exploration and history
- Arctic research
External links
- UNEP/GRID-Arendal Maps and Graphics library Information resources from the UN Environment programme
- euroarctic.com News service from the Barents region provided by Norwegian Broadcasting Corp (NRK), Swedish Radio (SR) and STBC Murman.
- WWF International Arctic Programme Arctic environment and conservation information
- International Polar Foundation
- Arctic Council
- NOAA Arctic Theme Page
- Arctic Environmental Atlas Circum-Arctic interactive map, with multiple layers of information
- GLOBIO Human Impact maps Report on human impacts on the arctic
- International Arctic Research Center
- Vital Arctic Graphics Overview and case studies of the Arctic environment and the Arctic Indigenous Peoples.
- Arctic and Taiga Canadian Atlas
- Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (2004): Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment – Summary by GreenFacts and the International Polar Foundation
- NOAA State of the Arctic Report 2006
- UN Environment Programme Key Polar Centre at UNEP/GRID-Arendal