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इष्टतमकारी सॉफ्टवेयरों की सूची

नीचे की सारणी में इष्टतमीकरण करने वाले सॉफ्टवेयरों की सूची दी गयी है-

निःशुल्क तथा मुक्तस्रोत

नाम लाइसेन्स वर्णन
ADMBBSDa nonlinear optimization framework, using automatic differentiation.
ASCENDGPLa mathematical modelling chemical process modelling system.
CUTErGPL a testing environment for optimization and linear algebra solvers.
ग्नू ऑक्टेवGPL यह उच्च-स्तरीय प्रोग्रामन भाषा से युक्त सॉफ्टवेयर पैकेज है जिसका मुख्य उद्देश्य संख्यात्मक गणनाएँ करना है।मैटलैब का अच्छा विकलप।
DakotaLGPLa general-purpose software toolkit for performing systems analysis and design on high performance computers. Dakota provides algorithms for design optimization, uncertainty quantification, parameter estimation, design of experiments, and sensitivity analysis, as well as a range of parallel computing and simulation interfacing services.
साईलैबCeCILLa cross-platform numerical computational package and a high-level, numerically oriented programming language with free numerical optimization framework.
सॉफ्टवेयर लाइब्रेरी
नाम लाइसेन्स वर्णन
ALGLIBGPL dual licensed (GPL/commercial) nonlinear optimization library (unconstrained, box, linearly, nonlinearly-constrained, nonlinear and QP problems), optionally using automatic differentiation. Cross-language: C++, C#.
COIN-OR SYMPHONYEPL 1.0integer programming
DlibBoost Software LicenseUnconstrained/box-constrained nonlinear/QP optimization library written in C++.
GLPKGPL GNU Linear Programming Kit, C API.
Google Optimization ToolsApache Licensea fast and portable software suite for solving combinatorial optimization problems.
IPOPTCPLa large scale nonlinear optimizer for continuous systems (requires gradient), C++ (formerly Fortran and C).
J. D. Powell's
optimization suite
LGPL a set of Fortran 95 algorithms for (derivative-free, DFO) optimization subject to box and linear constraints: BOBYQA – DFO, box; COBYLA – DFO, nonlinearly constrained; LINCOA – DFO, linearly constrained; NEWUOA and UOBYQA – DFO, unconstrained; TOLMIN – linearly constrained.
lp_solveLGPL a linear programming (including mixed-integer LP) package written in C.
MIDACODual (Commercial, BY-NC-ND) a lightweight software tool for single- and multi-objective optimization based on evolutionary computing। Written in C/C++ and Fortran with gateways to Excel, VBA, Java, Python, Matlab, Octave, R, C# and Julia.
MINUIT (now MINUIT2)LGPL an unconstrained optimizer internally developed at CERN.
ओपेनेमडीएओ (OpenMDAO)Apache Licenseयह पाइथन में लिखा गया बहुविषयी डिजाइन, विश्लेषण और इष्टतमकरण का सॉफ्टवेयर है। इसके विकास का नेतृत्व नासा ग्लेन अनुसन्धान केन्द्र कर रहा है और इस कार्य में नासा के ही लांगली अनुसन्धान केन्द्र इनकी सहायता करता है।
OptaPlannerApache License a lightweight, embeddable planning engine written in Java. It solves constraint satisfaction problems with construction heuristics and metaheuristic algorithms.
साईपाई (SciPy)BSD a well-known general numeric package for Python, with some support for optimization.
ACADOGNU Lesser GPL algorithm collection for automatic control and dynamic optimization.
NLoptLGPLa library for nonlinear optimization, providing multiple optimization algorithms with a common interface.

सशुल्क सॉफ्टवेयर

  • AIMMS – optimization modeling system, including GUI building facilities.
  • ALGLIB – dual licensed (GPL/commercial) constrained quadratic and nonlinear optimization library with C++ and C# interfaces.
  • Altair HyperStudy – design of experiments and multi-disciplinary design optimization.
  • AMPL – modelling language for large-scale linear, mixed integer and nonlinear optimization.
  • ANSYS DesignXplorer - design exploration and optimization capabilities for the ANSYS Workbench platform.
  • APMonitor – modeling language and optimization suite for large-scale, nonlinear, mixed integer, differential and algebraic equations with interfaces to MATLAB, Python, and Julia.
  • Artelys Knitro – large scale nonlinear optimization for continuous and mixed-integer programming.
  • ASTOS – AeroSpace Trajectory Optimization Software for launcher, re-entry and generic aerospace problems.
  • BARON – optimization of algebraic nonlinear and mixed-integer nonlinear problems.
  • COMSOL Multiphysics – a cross-platform finite element analysis, solver and multiphysics simulation software.
  • CORTIME - an intuitive computer-aided optimization software for SolidWorks performing automatic parametric optimizations.
  • CPLEX – integer, linear and quadratic programming.
  • FortMP – integer, linear and quadratic programming.
  • FortSP – stochastic programming.
  • GAMS – General Algebraic Modeling System.
  • Gurobi – integer, linear and quadratic programming.
  • HEEDS MDO – multidisciplinary design optimization using SHERPA, a hybrid, adaptive optimization algorithm.
  • IMPROVEit – multi-objective optimization with hybrid solver and budget based.
  • IMSL Numerical Libraries – linear, quadratic, nonlinear, and sparse QP and LP optimization algorithms implemented in standard programming languages C, Java, C# .NET, Fortran, and Python.
  • IOSO – (Indirect Optimization on the basis of Self-Organization) a multiobjective, multidimensional nonlinear optimization technology.
  • Kimeme – an open platform for multi-objective optimization and multidisciplinary design optimization.
  • LINDO - (Linear, Interactive, and Discrete Optimizer) a software package for linear programming, integer programming, nonlinear programming, stochastic programming, and global optimization. The "What's Best!" Excel add-in performs linear, integer, and nonlinear optimization using LINDO.
  • LIONsolver – an integrated software for data mining, analytics, modeling Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN and reactive business intelligence approach.
  • modeFRONTIER – an integration platform for multi-objective and multi-disciplinary optimization, which provides a seamless coupling with third party engineering tools, enables the automation of the design simulation process, and facilitates analytic decision making.
  • Maple – linear, quadratic, and nonlinear, continuous and integer optimization. Constrained and unconstrained. Global optimization with add-on toolbox.
  • मैटलैब – linear, integer, quadratic, and nonlinear problems with Optimization Toolbox; multiple maxima, multiple minima, and non-smooth optimization problems; estimation and optimization of model parameters.
  • MIDACO a lightweight software tool for single- and multi-objective optimization based on evolutionary computing. Written in C/C++ and Fortran with gateways to Excel, VBA, Java, Python, Matlab, Octave, R, C# and Julia.
  • Mathematica – large-scale multivariate constrained and unconstrained, linear and nonlinear, continuous and integer optimization.
  • ModelCenter – a graphical environment for integration, automation, and design optimization.
  • MOSEK – linear, quadratic, conic and convex nonlinear, continuous and integer optimization.
  • NAG – linear, quadratic, nonlinear, sums of squares of linear or nonlinear functions; linear, sparse linear, nonlinear, bounded or no constraints; local and global optimization; continuous or integer problems.
  • NMath – linear, quadratic and nonlinear programming.
  • IOSO – multidisciplinary design optimization, for computer-aided engineering.
  • Octeract - Deterministic global optimization for non-convex/discontinuous quadratic programming problems.
  • OptimJ – Java-based modeling language. Premium Edition includes support for Gurobi, Mosek and CPLEX solvers.
  • Optimus platform – a process integration and design optimization platform developed by Noesis Solutions.
  • optiSLang – software solutions for CAE-based sensitivity analysis, optimization and robustness evaluation.
  • OptiY - a design environment providing modern optimization strategies and state of the art probabilistic algorithms for uncertainty, reliability, robustness, sensitivity analysis, data-mining and meta-modeling.
  • OptiStruct – award-winning CAE technology for conceptual design synthesis and structural optimization.
  • PottersWheel – parameter estimation in ordinary differential equations (MATLAB toolbox, free for academic use).
  • pSeven — software platform for automation of engineering simulation and analysis, multidisciplinary optimization and data mining, developed by DATADVANCE.
  • SmartDO – multidisciplinary global design optimization, specialized in computer-aided engineering (CAE). using the direct global search approaches.
  • SNOPT – large-scale optimization problems.
  • The Unscrambler® X – product formulation and process optimization software.
  • TOMLAB – supports global optimization, integer programming, all types of least squares, linear, quadratic and unconstrained programming for MATLAB. TOMLAB supports solvers like Gurobi, CPLEX, SNOPT, KNITRO and MIDACO.
  • VisSim – a visual block diagram language for simulation and optimization of dynamical systems.
  • WORHP – a large-scale sparse solver for continuous nonlinear optimization.
  • XPRESS – integer, linear and quadratic and nonlinear programming.

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