ICAO का ध्वज अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय नागर विमानन संगठन या ICAO (आईपीए : /ˌaɪˌkeɪˈoʊ/ , EYE-KAY -OH ) विमानक्षेत्र कोड या स्थिति परिचायक एक चार अक्षर का एल्फान्यूमेरिक कोड होता है। यह हरेक विमानक्षेत्र के लिए अभिन्न होता है। यह कोड अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय नागर विमानन संगठन द्वारा अभिकल्पित और परिभाषित होता है। इसे ICAO प्रलेख 7910: लोकेशन इंडिकेटर्स अर्थात् स्थान परिचायक, के नाम से प्रशित किया जाता है।
Prefixes Map of world regions classified according to the first letter of the ICAO airport code Map of countries classified according to the ICAO airport code prefix. Any correspondence between subnational regions and second letter also indicated. Micronations not labeled individually Prefix code Country A - Western South Pacific AG Solomon Islands AN Nauru AY Papua New Guinea B - Iceland/Greenland and Kosovo BG Greenland BI Iceland BK Kosovo (also LY Serbia because of disputes) C - Canada C Canada D - West Africa DA Algeria DB Benin DF Burkina Faso DG Ghana DI Côte d'Ivoire DN Nigeria DR Niger DT Tunisia DX Togolese Republic E - Northern Europe EB Belgium ED Germany (civil) EE Estonia EF Finland EG United Kingdom EH Netherlands EI Ireland EK Denmark EL Luxembourg EN Norway EP Poland ES Sweden ET Germany (military) EV Latvia EY Lithuania F - Southern Africa FA South Africa FB Botswana FC Republic of the Congo FD Swaziland FE Central African Republic FG Equatorial Guinea FH Ascension Island FI Mauritius FJ British Indian Ocean Territory FK Cameroon FL Zambia FM Comoros , Madagascar , Mayotte , Réunion FN Angola FO Gabon FP São Tomé and Príncipe FQ Mozambique FS Seychelles FT Chad FV Zimbabwe FW Malawi FX Lesotho FY Namibia FZ Democratic Republic of the Congo G - Northwestern Africa GA Mali GB The Gambia GC Canary Islands (Spain ) GE Ceuta and Melilla (Spain) GF Sierra Leone GG Guinea-Bissau GL Liberia GM Morocco GO Senegal GQ Mauritania GS Western Sahara GU Guinea GV Cape Verde H - Northeastern Africa HA Ethiopia HB Burundi HC Somalia HD Djibouti (also HF) HE Egypt HF Djibouti (also HD) HH Eritrea HK Kenya HL Libya HR Rwanda HS Sudan HT Tanzania HU Uganda K - USA K Contiguous United States of America L - Southern Europe,Israel and Turkey LA Albania LB Bulgaria LC Cyprus LD Croatia LE Spain LF France , including Saint-Pierre and Miquelon LG Greece LH Hungary LI Italy LJ Slovenia LK Czech Republic LL Israel LM Malta LN Monaco LO Austria LP Portugal , including the Azores LQ Bosnia and Herzegovina LR Romania LS Switzerland LT Turkey LU Moldova LV Areas Under the Control of the Palestinian Authority LW Macedonia LX Gibraltar LY Serbia and Montenegro LZ Slovakia M - Central America and Mexico MB Turks and Caicos Islands MD Dominican Republic MG Guatemala MH Honduras MK Jamaica MM Mexico MN Nicaragua MP Panama MR Costa Rica MS El Salvador MT Haiti MU Cuba MW Cayman Islands MY Bahamas MZ Belize N - South Pacific NC Cook Islands NF Fiji , Tonga NG Kiribati (Gilbert Islands ), Tuvalu NI Niue NL Wallis and Futuna NS Samoa , American Samoa NT French Polynesia NV Vanuatu NW New Caledonia NZ New Zealand , Antarctica O - Southwest Asia (excluding Israel and Turkey), Afghanistan and Pakistan OA Afghanistan OB Bahrain OE Saudi Arabia OI Iran OJ Jordan and the West Bank OK Kuwait OL Lebanon OM United Arab Emirates OO Oman OP Pakistan OR Iraq OS Syria OT Qatar OY Yemen P - Eastern North Pacific PA Alaska only PB Baker Island PC Kiribati (Canton Airfield, Phoenix Islands ) PF Fort Yukon, Alaska PG Guam , Northern Marianas PH Hawaiʻ i only PJ Johnston Atoll PK Marshall Islands PL Kiribati (Line Islands ) PM Midway Island PO Oliktok Point, Alaska PP Point Lay, Alaska PT Federated States of Micronesia , Palau PW Wake Island R - Western North Pacific RC Republic of China (Taiwan) RJ Japan (most of country) RK South Korea RO Japan (Okinawa Prefecture and Yoron ) RP Philippines S - South America SA Argentina SB Brazil (also SD, SN, SS and SW) SC Chile SD Brazil (also SB, SN, SS and SW) SE Ecuador SF Falkland Islands SG Paraguay SK Colombia SL Bolivia SM Suriname SN Brazil (also SB, SD, SS and SW) SO French Guiana SP Peru SS Brazil (also SB, SD, SN and SW) SU Uruguay SV Venezuela SW Brazil (also SB, SD, SN and SS) SY Guyana T - Caribbean TA Antigua and Barbuda TB Barbados TD Dominica TF Guadeloupe TG Grenada TI U.S. Virgin Islands TJ Puerto Rico TK Saint Kitts and Nevis TL Saint Lucia TN Netherlands Antilles , Aruba TQ Anguilla TR Montserrat TT Trinidad and Tobago TU British Virgin Islands TV Saint Vincent and the Grenadines TX Bermuda U - Russia and former Soviet States U Russia (except UA, UB, UD, UG, UK, UM and UT) UA Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan UB Azerbaijan UD Armenia UG Georgia UK Ukraine UM Belarus UT Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan V - South Asia (except Afghanistan and Pakistan) and mainland Southeast Asia VA India (West Zone, Mumbai Center) VC Sri Lanka VD Cambodia VE India (East Zone, Kolkata Center) VG Bangladesh VH Hong Kong , China VI India (North Zone, Delhi Center) VL Laos VM Macau , China VN Nepal VO India (South Zone, Chennai Center) VQ Bhutan VR Maldives VT Thailand VV Vietnam VY Myanmar W - Maritime Southeast Asia (except the Philippines) WA Indonesia (also WI, WQ and WR) WB Malaysia (also WM) , Brunei WI Indonesia (also WA, WQ and WR) WM Malaysia (also WB) WP Timor-Leste WQ Indonesia (also WA, WI and WR) WR Indonesia (also WA, WI and WQ) WS Singapore Y - Australia Y Australia Z - China, Mongolia and North Korea Z People's Republic of China (except ZK and ZM) ZK North Korea ZM Mongolia
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